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      CoSniper66 replied to the thread Savage Action Question.
      I have them all running now except for the 22-250. AICS pattern mags are the best, Just not the plastic ones. Tuning a Savage action...
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      CoSniper66 replied to the thread Savage Action Question.
      In general, the Savage model 10 was a piece of crap in stock form, and required a lot of work to get it to run good enough to run in...
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      CoSniper66 replied to the thread Savage Action Question.
      Sorry about the double post, some kind of weird delay on this platform.
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      CoSniper66 replied to the thread Savage Action Question.
      I was running the 10 round mag in a Savage model 10 with the plastic GRS stock. The bolt would often override the round and it it would...
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      CoSniper66 replied to the thread Savage Action Question.
      I was running a 10 round Magpul in a Savage model 10 with a GRS stock. The bolt would often override the round and jam on the barrel...
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      CoSniper66 replied to the thread Savage Action Question.
      Just don't use Magpul plastic mags, you'll have nothing but trouble. I now use accurate mags.
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