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  • My buddy is in Whitefish for the last 35 years or so...
    I am very interested in the .338.
    Do you run factory ammo or reload??
    I can’t get dies yet so factory.
    I bought 4 more boxes of the 225gr Barnes as my first one likes them so they should last me quite a few years.
    I still have a box and a half of the 185gr as well so we will see if the new Ti likes those.
    Love to hear more about your .338 RPM!
    I am strongly considering it for next rifle. I have a hunt in WY this october and have my 300prc pretty dialed and lots of related expenses or I would probably get one now.

    Hope this message finds you. Looks like you just signed up last week...

    Hopefully dies available soon.
    I’m getting 2635 at the muzzle, 18” barrel and 2895 out of the 185gr (chrono Lab Radar).
    One is set up with a 3-18 and the other will have a 1-6.
    NW Montana where most of my shots are 40-400 max.
    Guiding Bear next fall, I wanted a setup for close in finishing 1-6.
    For how light the rifles are, the recoil is extremely manageable. Energy isn’t far off 338win mag.
    Where I hunt Muleys in north Central MT, I used to take my 6.5-284 Norma or my 280ai.
    I have changed that up to 257wby and 6.5-300wby now with the LH change.
    My shots out there tend to be in the 300-650 range and it’s always windy.
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