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  • I've had a German made .340 Weatherby for 40 years. It's scoped with a 30mm 2 1/2-10x Swarovski in Talley rings & mounts. I've killed critters with it all over Alaska when I lived out in the bush for 8 years plus during six safaris in Africa. It will shoot groups better than I can hold them. Been shooting 84 grs. of Re22 behind a Speer 250 gr GS, sparked by a Fed 215 for the last 25 years. What's your pet load?
    340Wby-4-everything, I’m interested in your scope. This is my first time using this site so my apologies if I’m not messaging you in the correct place. Not sure how to send a private message.
    Keith M Sheehan
    That .340 has a sharp, snappy recoil and requires a stout scope to withstand the punishment. I've used a Swarovski 30mm, 2 1/2-10, mounted in Talley rings and bases on it for 15 years and it has never needed and adjustments to keep its zero. Yeah, it's an expensive rig, but it is absolutely reliable.
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