Another Walleye Tournament Allegation


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Seriously, what is happening to ethics and character in outdoor sports? Is it ego? Pride? Bragging rights? I just don't understand this. Maybe my age and generation? Or does this offend everyone? Help me out here. I find this so disturbing that it portrays all of us as dirtbags to the public who doesn't hunt or fish.

Always wonder about those old guys, back on the 27 yard line. They almost never miss, just another ink spots. What's really loaded up in those shells?
Late 70's to mid 80's I fished Bass tournaments and have personally seen a fisherman foul hook a bass that might have put him on the leader board,without even see me and my partner he threw it back!Thats ethics!What these guys did needs to be remembered and their photo's placed on every fishing magazine published.Ban them from ever fishing a tournament ever again.
Seriously, what is happening to ethics and character in outdoor sports? Is it ego? Pride? Bragging rights? I just don't understand this. Maybe my age and generation? Or does this offend everyone? Help me out here. I find this so disturbing that it portrays all of us as dirtbags to the public who doesn't hunt or fish.

Fishermen have been accused of lying on occasion. While I personally don't think any fisherman would lie about the weight of his fish maybe they should only go by length and girth instead of weighin?
MLB bass tournament with official in each boat weighing each fish as its boated is best way for integrity. The tournament is live and leader board is updated instantly. Plus fish are released. I watch it and like how its managed. No muss, no fuss, no concern for hidden problems.