Legislative Assault on Montana Tag System


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2010
Despite the fact that in the past we voted this bs out of Montana with a referendum, there is a bill up for debate right now that is an attack on the Montana tag lottery system. To sum it up in a couple words- it would provide a considerable portion of the tags to outfitters who's clients can circumvent the lottery process and hunt. Basically it is a welfare system that takes from the hardworking people of Montana, takes from the people who have been accumulating bonus points and takes opportunities from hunters both resident and non-resident, unless they want to pay to play. Not a surprise that they'd try this right now, but still disappointing.

I just read thru it, and maybe I missed it but I didn't see where they listed how many lic would be set aside for this. Was it in there?
From What i read still gonna be 17,000 max licenses no more than 6600 B-10and B-11
Despite the fact that in the past we voted this bs out of Montana with a referendum, there is a bill up for debate right now that is an attack on the Montana tag lottery system. To sum it up in a couple words- it would provide a considerable portion of the tags to outfitters who's clients can circumvent the lottery process and hunt. Basically it is a welfare system that takes from the hardworking people of Montana, takes from the people who have been accumulating bonus points and takes opportunities from hunters both resident and non-resident, unless they want to pay to play. Not a surprise that they'd try this right now, but still disappointing.


Great post. We had a similar abuse of state govt here in CO when they added a $50, JUST TO APPLY, for sheep, goat and moose. There were some here that actually approve of this pay to play, but I contend they were probably from states where pay to play is normal.
You have the chance to battle this thing so I say make as much noise as possible to your state reps or whoever is sponsoring this bill.

As has been proven by recent events, those with the money/influence make the rules. Those rules aren't fair, just, constitutional, and don't make sense. But those rules benefit someone. And the someone, aint us........

IMO, this has been going on for along time.
I have never hunted Montana, but I hope this goes down. It will force the normal hunter to go elsewhere. I'm sure the outfitters will raise their prices to take advantage of this too.
Oregon already has something similar to this. It sucks for a nonresident, this doesn't seem as bad. It seems a lot of states recently are trying to benefit the outfitters more.
Wyoming has had a two tier application process for years. As a non-res, odds are better if you pay more! If that's not bad enough, now they hold my money for 5 months longer than they used to. I have friends in Wyo so I always go there but I can tell you first hand, they REALLY plow the non-res hunters. Oh ya, 100$$$ to only apply for a preference point. A rich mans game? Maybe so!
Oh ya, 100$$$ to only apply for a preference point.
I dont know what species your paying 100.00 for a preference point in wyoming for but ive been doing it for 12 years.
40.00 for deer and 50.00 for elk I believe it is.
People complain but still seem to do it, nobodys forcing you to hit the buy button you have a choice stay home and hunt your own state.
Unfortunately this kind of stuff comes up more than you think. I remember when they were going to open up the Archery Only river bottom whitetail tags to gun hunters. They tried to slip it by with a small note on the bulletin board at the Fish and Game office. Luckily a bow hunter saw it and called all of the bowhunting organizations and clubs in Montana. There were about 500 people there and for a while I think the Fish and Game officers thought they were going to be hanging from a tree outside the building before it was over. All because the rich folks in the Bitterroot,who by the way were not opening up any of there river bottom land to gun hunters, didn't like the fact that they might hit a deer on HWY 93 or the old Eastside hwy. Its very sad that money drives everything.
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