Wolf Meeting in Kalispell


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
Clarks Fork Valley, Mt
There is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday January 30 at the Red Lion in Kalispell that anyone in the area who is concerned about the decimation of our elk, deer and moose herds should attend. It will begin at 6:30 pm and speakers will include:

Justin Webb, from the Foundation for Wildlife Management

An unnamed representative from the Montana Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife

An unnamed representative from the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks

Possibly others, including (hopefully, but not confirmed) Representative Bob Brown from Thompson Falls

Among the topics to be discussed will be an overview of the F4WM Wolf Harvest Reimbursement Program as a potential way to help with the growing wolf problem.

We need to get any and all sportsmen who hunt Montana deer or elk to get behind a couple of bills that were introduced by Rep Brown that would make the reimbursement legal in Montana.

F4WM has been successfully running that same program in Idaho for some time now, and it is estimated that they have helped to save 50,000 elk, moose, and deer with their efforts.

For anyone in Northwest Montana, it would help greatly for you to attend this meeting to show FWP how serious we sportsmen are about saving our dwindling herds from an overpopulation of wolves.

For those of us who live too far away to attend, please click on the links provided to join up and to donate to these very worthwhile organizations!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the future of our herds depends on it!!!

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has given F4WM a $25,000 grant to help with this important mission, so obviously it is a very worthwhile organization.

We all know that the wolf issue is a hot button issue on both sides of the aisle and is watched closely and attended by many with a video camera in their pocket- and they are not necessarily all on our side. When attending this meeting, please be aware that all eyes are on us and any disrespectful actions will likely be smeared and spread on the internet.
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I had to leave a little early, about 400 people attended very informative. Justin Webb from F4WM got very sick and couldn't attend. Our own F@G numbers were presented and were shown just how many elk wolves in region 1 take just in a 6 month winter period. According to our own f@g biologist in region 1 we have 350 wolves that each one take on an average 23 elk in that 6 month time period now do the math.
350x23=8050 ELK!!! You think we have a problem! I really hate to say it but I've lost alot of faith in our F@G the last couple years standing on the sideline letting Idaho and Wyoming fight the fight I hope Montana F@G starts standing with Idaho and Wyoming on this wolf and grizzly thing. As one of the speakers said UNTITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL, I hope Montana F@G uses that motto and starts standing with them. F4WM is doing some good things in Idaho we need to change some laws in montana to achieve the same goals and it's going before the legislature tomorrow. Sad thing is I dont have alot of faith in our governor he can just veto it I hope he proves me wrong.
Thanks for that, Sherm! I think we all need to write to our Legislators (and the Governor) to show our support for this- and encourage everyone we know to do the same. If we include FWPs own numbers and really show them THAT WE CARE, maybe we can make a difference.

Thanks again!
Pockets you are right everybody needs to email there reps. now I took the time this a.m. These Bill's being voted on today are crucial to try and get our predators under control. If your in the Helena area try and attend today at 3:00 p.m. I wish I would have know about this earlier I would have tried to make the drive from Kalispell.
Guys I truly believe that if we dont turn the heat up on our elected officials and F@G time is soon running out.
The anti's are already trying to chip away at trapping even though I-177 was soundly defeated we have to be as diligent or more than our adversaries.
There is also setbacks being introduced by a politician named Phillip's from Bozeman around Yellowstone again.
We have to stay strong if something is ever gonna change it's easy to give up takes alot more to stand up for what you believe in. The F@G puts way to many restrictions on how we can reduce the numbers, there own biologist say we need to take 35% of the population a year just to keep the population at stable. Year after year that isnt happening. So in general we need to take alot more than what we are to reduce numbers.
If you take the 850 number that F@G says we have now and reduce it every year by 40% that's 340 wolves a year right now on an average we take around 180 so as you can see know why the numbers keep going up.
I have a saying IF YOU KEEP DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER YOUR GONNA GET THE SAME RESULTS and thats whats going on in our wolf management it's time to try something different.
Sorry for the long post.
Steve it's pretty hard to come up with solutions when your hands are tied. Things have got to change with our laws and F@G officials and quite standing on the sidelines.
I thought I explained it. It's hard to remember everything that was said last night and I had to leave early. There is going to be no solution if we keep going down the same path. Theres was no yelling at least while I was there for the most part alot of listening. You gotta attend and draw your own conclusions
My motto has always been, IF THERES A WILL THERES A WAY I believe theres not very much will with enough of our politicians and F@G officials right now.
One thing was brought up was opening trapping season early for more chance F@G doesnt want to because of the chance of a G. Bear getting caught in a trap even though F@G own trapper in 41 years of trapping has only ever had I cub caught in there trap now does that make sense.
Don't get me wrong. Not drawing any conclusions. My reference to belly aching is to the stuff that is spewed on line that has nothing to do with dealing with the problem. We all knew that we were going to end up with to many wolves when they started showing up. It won't be long and they will be in the Missouri Breaks.
There probably already there I just read a rancher just killed one 40 east of Billings
Probably 90% of the people I talked to have lost all faith in our F@G. I hate to keep railing on them. But 400 hundred people show up last night and only about 12 showed up last year at there bi-annual meeting at the college last year.
It's like the comedian said I cant remember his name, HERES YOUR SIGN when there used to be hundreds.
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