who/how much to rebore a barrell

It's not practical to have done. If you had a collector gun that you wanted bored and then a new liner put in that's about the only time it's done. It would cost more than a new blank and you would lose a couple inches off each end from the machining and lapping process. That would probably cost you the length of the shank and make the barrel useless.
Dan Pederson of Classic Barrel Works rebored a barrel for me last year. Cost was approx $200. An additional $100 for chambering/crowning installing on the supplied reciever.

Classic Barrel Works

Details: was a 30" #7 Lilja SS in 7 rem mag. Became a 338 RCM with long throat for 300 gr bullets. I chose 1 in 9 twist. Barrel lost 1" due to shorter RCM case.

I was actually ahead on costs because a new lilja that long would cost around $ 350. Then there would be gunsmithing costs to install new barrel.

The 6 groove barrel shoots very well and I will have Dan do another.

The next one will be is a 27" #5 fluted Lilja currently a 300 RUM. This rifle has a VAIS muzzle brake. When it finally wears out it will become a .338 RUM with a perfect stock fit as well as the brake already fitted. It will cost FAR less than getting another fluted barrel and having it machined for the brake as well as installation.

IMO reboring is a very viable option.
Dan Pederson of Classic Barrel Works rebored a barrel for me last year. Cost was approx $200. An additional $100 for chambering/crowning installing on the supplied reciever.

Classic Barrel Works

Details: was a 30" #7 Lilja SS in 7 rem mag. Became a 338 RCM with long throat for 300 gr bullets. I chose 1 in 9 twist. Barrel lost 1" due to shorter RCM case.

I was actually ahead on costs because a new lilja that long would cost around $ 350. Then there would be gunsmithing costs to install new barrel.

The 6 groove barrel shoots very well and I will have Dan do another.

The next one will be is a 27" #5 fluted Lilja currently a 300 RUM. This rifle has a VAIS muzzle brake. When it finally wears out it will become a .338 RUM with a perfect stock fit as well as the brake already fitted. It will cost FAR less than getting another fluted barrel and having it machined for the brake as well as installation.

IMO reboring is a very viable option.
There is still life in it and it seems like a waste to send it to the recyclers.
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