Where can get a long-barreled 7RUM, without having to go "custom"?

Max Heat

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
Remington County, PA
Does savage or remington (or anybody - FTM?) offer ANYTHING along those lines (by long, I'm talking 30"[if not, what about 28?])? I don't have the necessary resources to go the custom route. Or am I flat-out SOOL?
Call the Savage custom shop, you can get most combinations put together if they have ever built it and they did build a Model 116 in 7RUM, I have a barrel sitting here from one that I spin on my Model 12 for fun.
That's strange. I don't see ANY RUM offerings in ANY calibers on ANY of the savage models listed on their site! I'll have to see what the custom shop says, I guess. But I hear that folks are paying a grand for those rifles. Would I just be better off going remington non-custom? They have 7RUM available in some of the 600-700 dollar model series. If loosing 4" saves me 4 hundred, maybe I COULD live with a 26" barrel. It looks like those are the 2 options that I have then.
Tough request. Cheapest way is going to involve an after market barrel. If you could find a used Rem that is chambered for a RUM it might be the least expensive route.

Don't rule out the post 64 Win model 70. (push feed) I built my 300 RUM on one. The brass fits past the feed rails without modification, something a non RUM Rem 700 cannot do. I did add a wyatt's mag box but I that with the 7 RUM I once owned too. IMO the OEM magazine is too darn short in either model rifle.
Since I've already spent 200 on a stock, I'm now locked into long savage action only. And with the fact that factory barrels only go 26", my (final, I hope) decision is to get an aftermarket (largely shanked) 7RUM barrel of my liking. But that is the EASY part. The one thing that everything else is now dependent on, is obtaining a savage long action that was designed from the factory to accept the large shank threads. I will NOT consider having my standard shank action opened up to fit the large shank, or purchase one which has been "converted" to the large shank. So what I'm NOW looking for is a bit less complicated, but not necessarily easier to find. Anyone want to trade their LS-SLA for an SS-SLA, plus some cash? Or sell an LS-SLA for straight-up cash?
I wasn't really expecting to hear what I just heard. I JUST got off the phone with someone representing Savage's "custom" shop. I asked: "Would it possible for me to get a Savage action, possibly including a barrel, that is set up or chambered for the 7mm remington ultra magnum round"? Her reply was: "I'm sorry, but it is not". Well, it looks like THAT lead ended up in exactly the same place all of the others have led to so far - a DEAD END! And now I can't find where I saw the email address for that guy who supposedly sells the largely shanked savage long (and also short) actions. I'm pretty sure that his first name is Jim, and I think his last name might be Davis, or something similar to that. Does anybody know who I mean, and how I can contact him?
Well shut me DOWN, Jimmy! I just got hit with a strong (over)dose of reality, on the true likelihood of actually finding what I am looking for. The bottom line is: Unless I'm willing to accept having a single-shot (target) action, and spend 6 hundred to get it (plus a barrel), or buy a new 338L (that not cheap either, OR what I want), I'm simply NOT going to find a savage long action that fits large shank. But I'm taking it in stride, and trying to figure out where to go from here. It's actually a good thing that I made that (phone) call. Because man was I going buggy, and really stressing, at the same time. As for the 2 hundred that I have already spent on a savage stock, I'm still trying to mentally - let it goooooooooooo...
If you could find an older model 116 (I believe this is right) they were long action large shank. I've had one in a 300 ultra and I've seen a couple in the last year or so for sale. You might try gunbroker or one of the other gun auction sites.

I love savages but sometimes it can be a hastle.

About 1.5-2 hours in a truing jig on a lathe and your problem would be solved easily and cheaply, why not just open it up if your so concerned about building a RUM on a small shank! A couple years ago I passed up on two Savage 116 RUM's for 300 dollars a piece I won't pass on them again!!!!
I love savages but sometimes it can be a hastle.


Seriously, YOU'RE telling ME that?? After spending dozens upon dozens of hours over the last few weeks (and add to that the 4 months that I waited, on the standard shank savage barrel that never was to be) on finding the action that I now needed, with SQUAT to show for it - never even got past square 1 - NOBODY could possibly know that more than I know it right now!

You know, I at least USED to think I loved 'em, as well. But with my brains about feeling like scrambled eggs right now, I barely can think. Hold on a sec - I really (seriously) do need to go pour myself one (well, maybe 2), and toss it back!

About 1.5-2 hours in a truing jig on a lathe and your problem would be solved easily and cheaply, why not just open it up if your so concerned about building a RUM on a small shank! A couple years ago I passed up on two Savage 116 RUM's for 300 dollars a piece I won't pass on them again!!!!

The reason I won't do it has to do with the heat treatment (tempering) that the steel undergoes at the factory to make it stronger. An opened up action will be weaker, unless it undergoes the same treatment as the factory ones, AFTER it is opened up. Oh, and according to what I now believe, you won't have the opportunity to pass on 2 rums again. Hey, wait a minute. I'm seeing that somebody has sent me a PM. I gotta go...
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