Shoulder Pre-Surgery Preparation


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
OK, clearly not what you expected. Surgery is Thursday April 1st, yeah I know April Fools Day - How Appropriate! So cleaned septic tank leach field filter, mowed yard, cleaned all 22 windows of house, removed loader from tractor, installed mower deck, lubed, and fresh blades.

Will not be able to do any of this after Thursday so bucked it up and just got it done. Made the missus happy on windows which is my little way of thanking before she is put through my post op care.;)

She did ask if she will ever see the channel changer again! OMG funny!😂🤣
When the doc tells you not to reach up for a while don't reach up till they tell you can
The recovery is never the problem, I recover well and fast and then as time goes along, you think you are what you were which is not the case at all. I learned hard way on this one and NOPE, not going to pull nails, lift etc without using bigger badder tools or just call son and have him do it. I need to protect this shoulder for bow hunting as long as I can. I have an xbow but only as a fun thing to play with. Killed couple of decent bucks with it and hung it up for preference of vertical bow. It will be there IF I need to due to physical limitations but for now prefer vertical bow as long as I can pull back reasonable weight of at least 50+. After last major surgery I was still comfortable with 62# which is far below my normal 74 but still gets it done. Hoping I get back there this year.
When I had my right shoulder rotator cuff repair, I had to be slung and bound behind my back, even while sleeping, for a total of 12 weeks. Then just the sling for another 12 weeks and physio/rehab didn't commence until my surgeon was happy for me to start.
It wasn't until another month that I started rehab.
Glad I followed his directions, my buddy didn't follow his directions and now has a frozen shoulder. This happened to me with my left shoulder, but I had a Hydrodilatation to unfreeze the joint, it worked for me, but not my buddy.
Whatever they say, just do it I say.

I had my right shoulder labrum reattached(7 o'clock to 330) clockwise).....about 15 years ago...was awesome after not being able touch radio dial while driving...
Stronger than left shoulder...'til'...slipped on icey concrete step this winter while packing 24pk Pepsi.......came down on elbow on to the 24pk....exploded cans every where......tore something....shooting pains thru bicep and triceps...elbow to shoulder........****......I don't need this now....
Get REAL therapy....couple months of it...use electric to keep muscles toned.....dont slip on concrete step......
My therapy started 3 days after surgery....dr was Chicago White Sox team doc.......
Only time I used drugs for pain...before sleeping.....not even before therapy.....
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Make sure you ask for a Nerve block it will keep you numb for 36 hrs if done right.. After that you can just do Ibuprofen ... or whatever you need to.. Very painful without a block.. I have had both shoulders done.. 1st shoulder without block... bad... idea... Second with and very grateful for it..
Make sure you ask for a Nerve block it will keep you numb for 36 hrs if done right.. After that you can just do Ibuprofen ... or whatever you need to.. Very painful without a block.. I have had both shoulders done.. 1st shoulder without block... bad... idea... Second with and very grateful for it..
If they use Exparel for the nerve block 3-4 days of pain free is common. The interscalene brachial plexus block is what he needs.
The absolutely one post surgery device I HIGHLY recommend is ice therapy that is a machine that circulates ice cold water through a shoulder pad ALONG with a built in compression in pad. This device virtually ELIMINATED any need for medications. Last surgery, I went for post op visit 12 days after and surgeon was going to refill meds and I declined. Only used 2 pills in 12 days as result of cold therapy. I have one ready to go for tomorrows surgery and look forward to how it alleviates pain and swelling.
I had my right shoulder labrum reattached(7 o'clock to 330) clockwise).....about 15 years ago...was awesome after not being able touch radio dial while driving...
Stronger than left shoulder...'til'...slipped on icey concrete step this winter while packing 24pk Pepsi.......came down on elbow on to the 24pk....exploded cans every where......tore something....shooting pains thru bicep and triceps...elbow to shoulder........****......I don't need this now....
Get REAL therapy....couple months of it...use electric to keep muscles toned.....dont slip on concrete step......
My therapy started 3 days after surgery....dr was Chicago White Sox team doc.......
Only time I used drugs for pain...before sleeping.....not even before therapy.....
26RELOAD: 24 pack Pepsi? Dang! That pain should have been 24 pack Coors!!
Totally agree on the nerve block, last surgery in Dec 2018 had the block and was great for couple days and then the ice therapy took over and gotta say I was never in any really discomfort pain as result of both being in play. In fact, although virtually complete reconstruction of shoulder, I was never in any major pain at all even in PT. Have probably 95% motion so great recovery from that aspect. Just got to stop doing STUPID stuff:mad:🤬! You would think at 70 I have learned my place in time but I still have a young mind and think I can lift a side of beef one arm. Yes, painful life lesson that I know will be front and center going forward. ARGGHHH!
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