Should we start to boycot these high prices?

I'm am wondering if I (we) should start to boycot these companies that are bending us over, charging these extortionate prices on reloading supplies. This high price greed is not ok. They are praying on the pandemic pricing craze. There is no way that their raw materials have gone up that much to warrant these high prices. Maybe we need to just say "enough of this crap. Stuff your prices!"
Cost of living go up with not that much. Interviews with CCI even said cost went up but only a tiny bit it's being marked up and gouged other places. I bought a shitload of everything 3 years ago. Till these prices drop I'm not buying anything
I'm am wondering if I (we) should start to boycot these companies that are bending us over, charging these extortionate prices on reloading supplies. This high price greed is not ok. They are praying on the pandemic pricing craze. There is no way that their raw materials have gone up that much to warrant these high prices. Maybe we need to just say "enough of this crap. Stuff your prices!"
If the shelves fullback up, that might work.I have a friend who is an engineer for Federal cartridge. He said they have trouble getting enough workers to fill shifts, but that they are running around the clock. I asked if they were concentrating on government contracts. He told me that government contracts were a drop in the bucket compared to civilian needs. As the shelves fill back up, prices should go down a bit.
Kudos to the guys that don't inflate their margins. Our local guy is great. I personally would have a hard time asking for a normal margin when I'm only able to get a third of the product I used to. I'm not a mathamawizard but I think your profit would b cut at least by half but operating expenses the same. Support the local guys. Even if you gotta pay a little more. Support the big guys if it's life or death. My .02
I am not seeing what I consider price gouging I am seeing lack of products.(at stores)
Almost no powder (at least what I want RL 25 ,7828,8133)
I saw a lbs of RL25 on GB for about $150 /shiping,won't pay that!!
There's no boycotting in capitalism. Just don't buy it. No one is forcing you too. If enough people decide a good or service isn't worth the price then the price comes down.
This is exactly how it works, and how it should work. Yet people keep trying to force something else into being.

The reason this country is in the situation we're in, is because so few people actually live in accordance with their proclamations of loving freedom. Instead, they want all of the benefits, and none of the sacrifice. Gluttonous hogs, all.

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Just an observation here guys, but TWO of the very big medical device companies I Previously worked for have continued to make there Ortho Implants and kept pricing in the same , and kept the huge discounts to Hospitals in place. I'm sure they both suffered from the Supply Chain issues and Covid shutdowns , but it seems that some companies can encounter issues ,but make it look smoother and seamless to the end user of the products. Perhaps with a back up raw materials to keep the pipeline filled . Those companies who do not do that, ultimately loose the business, to those who do. However in our case, it seems all the companies we ,as handloaders , rely on have hit this "BUMP" . Example , Its not just Winchester LR Primers or Mag we cannot find , its also Federal and Others, and If we do find a small quantity at some gun shop, the price is 35 to 40 Percent Higher than is was last year, or the quantity you are allowed to purchase is regulated. This is just conversation here guys, and I'm not making a statement Gentlemen . Personally, I just need to come to terms as to" How Much is Hoarding ", and How much is " Just Being Prepared for the next Drought."
It's not that they are jacking you it's that a company like Midway has much higher overhead at this time, your local gun shop probably hasn't seen the massive cost increases and are not worried about keeping and paying hundreds of employees. Your local store has to cut a check for a few grand worth of inventory at a wack, Midway a few hundred thousand. Many of the tiered discounts have disappeared also so many large volume retailers are buying at the same wholesale prices as the small guy who can keep the doors open on a much smaller margin!!
Bigngreen i know my local LGS well, his orders are more than 1,000 an a order in the 100,000+ at a time.
I believe what he tells me and his prices reflect it. Proof is in the puddin so to speak. People can believe what they want ill keep supporting the good guys like my local LGS hes making money and im good with it thats what business are suppose to do. Ive been in business myself but in know way in gods green earth I could charge as much extra as the Midway, Brownells etc are nobody would pay it at move on.
Unfortunately we all want to pay Pennie's for diamonds but the American Economy was and is build on a free market system.Depending on what you're buying and what you're selling.I complain like everyone else. But a glass of Tea in a restaurant is $2.50 with 90percent ice in the glass so that's around $27.00 a gallon they Profit from just the Tea and we all pay it without one complaint.Just be a informed shopper and stick to the prices you willing to pay.But remember if one monkey pays 5 dollars for a banana then all the banana's are now worth 5 dollars or you do away with the monkeys
I'm am wondering if I (we) should start to boycot these companies that are bending us over, charging these extortionate prices on reloading supplies. This high price greed is not ok. They are praying on the pandemic pricing craze. There is no way that their raw materials have gone up that much to warrant these high prices. Maybe we need to just say "enough of this crap. Stuff your prices!"
I pay what I'm comfortable paying, for precision reloading. I have an inventory of bulk reloading because, when they elected obama the first time I started buying the essentials. Having two boys that like to shoot hasn't helped my inventory much. For range day shooting I try to shoot what I can buy retail (online or local) at the time.
Inflation is rampant in everything. Govt been printing money like crazy, lots of folks haven't worked due to Covid, free money or whatever decisions. Thus, Production of all goods down because of labor, lack of materials, etc.

I see they re starting to groom us with the "R" word (recession) and can't believe we ll dodge it, just a matter of how bad it gets. When people can't afford food, shelter ( housing) and have clothes on their backs something's got to give. This problem extends way, way farther than primers!! Hang on guys and gals….. JMHO
I'm am wondering if I (we) should start to boycot these companies that are bending us over, charging these extortionate prices on reloading supplies. This high price greed is not ok. They are praying on the pandemic pricing craze. There is no way that their raw materials have gone up that much to warrant these high prices. Maybe we need to just say "enough of this crap. Stuff your prices!"

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