SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal!

Re: Explain - It's about Sarah

Phorwath---please explain what makes you so giddy about Obama winning this election. I have been reading your posts and just cannot understand why anyone who is on this forum can hold such a strong opinion of Obama. Is this just about being "right" in your predictions?:confused:

This thread is titled SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal! If there's giddyness shining through, it's primarily about Sarah not reaching the White House more than Obama being elected. And maybe a tad of arrogance about getting it "right".

I'ved changed my mind and decided I can't vote for McCain because he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. She's not qualified - pure & simple, and I won't contribute to placing her in the White House. My posts began in the effort to let some forum member's know she was another crooked politician when it became clear to me that she fired her Commissioner of Public Safety (a guy she hand picked 18 months earlier), in an act of revenge and abuse of power in order to get back at her ex-brother-in-law, who's been separated from Sarah's sister for about three years now. Later, a special investigator hired by a unanimous vote of the Alaska Legislative Panel responsible for keeping the Governor honest confirmed what I had already told forum members about. I don't need a vengeful woman in the White House who's willing to ignore Alaska Statutes, or Federal Law, while abusing her elected authority to settle scores with citizens of this State, or Country. Furthermore, I give her no credit for smarts because 1) she wasn't smart enough to execute her plan without getting caught, and 2) she never did get rid of the louse. A failure on both counts. Lots of politicians do some crooked stuff. The smart ones don't get caught and deserve to keep their jobs. The less smart ones get caught and demonstrate (to me) that they don't have the smarts to be in the business.

I also voiced my opinion that based on this woman's past experience, she was no way qualified for the position of V.P., let alone the Presidency should John McCain die in office.

Yes it all goes against the grain of a pro-gun forum because the Democrats have a history of coming after our guns. So you and others are understandably concerned. But in my mind, what it predominantly came down to was my inability to support the Republican ticket for the White House with ladybird Sarah on the ticket, more than a strong felt desire to see Obama/Biden in the White. Once Colin Powell came to know more about the lady, he made the correct decision also. It didn't take very long for Saturday Night Live to get it. I don't understand other's inability to see she's not up to it, or their willingness to ignore that fact.

If you're read my posts you already know that I consider the Bush Administration to be the worst I've experienced in my lifetime. An Administration that couldn't have screwed things up any worse if they tried, and couldn't have accomplished their miserable track record without the support of their Republican Senators and Congressmen/women.

In Alaska, Senator Ted Stevens (R) was just convicted of 7 felony charges. Guilty on all counts. Congressman Don Young (R) is also being investigated and has used a bundle of politically donated funds to hire attorneys. He may or may not get caught, but he's guilty too. Several Alaskan State legislators have already been convicted of political crimes. More are still under investigation by the FBI, and I expect more convictions.

You may vote Republican until they run the country into the ground and I respect your choice. I'm not. This will be the first time in my life I vote Democratic across the entire ballot. I voted early and already did so. The only reason I could think for anyone to vote Republican in this election is if they wanted to send a message to the Republican Party and Republican candidates for the next four years that Bush did a bang up job over the past 8 years, and let them know that they support and desire more of the same. Do you remember Bush's statement after winning his second election? He said I've earned some Political Capital and I intend to spend it. He certainly did. He completely wasted it and took the country down with his ineptitude. What do you think gets politicians' attention besides money? It's the threat of losing their job at the government pig trough. The vote of the American public is the only way to send a message that enough is enough, and I'm somewhat sorry to say, that's going to happen on Tuesday. I'm also somewhat sorry to say things got so bad that it needed to happen. However I'll be glad when it sends Sarah back to Alaska. That'll give her plenty of time to finish the job of routing her no-good ex-brother-in-law out of the State Troopers. :rolleyes: But most importantly, it will keep her out of the White House.

But I'm going to miss her on Saturday Night Live. Pretty funny stuff. And sadly... true.

Well that's the gist of it. The Executive Summary.
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Re: Explain - It's about Sarah

This thread is titled SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal! If there's giddyness shining through, it's primarily about Sarah not reaching the White House more than Obama being elected. And maybe a tad of arrogance about getting it "right".

I'ved changed my mind and decided I can't vote for McCain because he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. She's not qualified - pure & simple, and I won't contribute to placing her in the White House. My posts began in the effort to let some forum member's know she was another crooked politician when it became clear to me that she fired her Commissioner of Public Safety (a guy she hand picked 18 months earlier), in an act of revenge and abuse of power in order to get back at her ex-brother-in-law, who's been separated from Sarah's sister for about three years now. Later, a special investigator hired by a unanimous vote of the Alaska Legislative Panel responsible for keeping the Governor honest confirmed what I had already told forum members about. I don't need a vengeful woman in the White House who's willing to ignore Alaska Statutes, or Federal Law, while abusing her elected authority to settle scores with citizens of this State, or Country. Furthermore, I give her no credit for smarts because 1) she wasn't smart enough to execute her plan without getting caught, and 2) she never did get rid of the louse. A failure on both counts. Lots of politicians do some crooked stuff. The smart ones don't get caught and deserve to keep their jobs. The less smart ones get caught and demonstrate (to me) that they don't have the smarts to be in the business.

I also voiced my opinion that based on this woman's past experience, she was no way qualified for the position of V.P., let alone the Presidency should John McCain die in office.

Yes it all goes against the grain of a pro-gun forum because the Democrats have a history of coming after our guns. So you and others are understandably concerned. But in my mind, what it predominantly came down to was my inability to support the Republican ticket for the White House with ladybird Sarah on the ticket, more than a strong felt desire to see Obama/Biden in the White. Once Colin Powell came to know more about the lady, he made the correct decision also. It didn't take very long for Saturday Night Live to get it. I don't understand other's inability to see she's not up to it, or their willingness to ignore that fact.

If you're read my posts you already know that I consider the Bush Administration to be the worst I've experienced in my lifetime. An Administration that couldn't have screwed things up any worse if they tried, and couldn't have accomplished their miserable track record without the support of their Republican Senators and Congressmen/women.

In Alaska, Senator Ted Stevens (R) was just convicted of 7 felony charges. Guilty on all counts. Congressman Don Young (R) is also being investigated and has used a bundle of politically donated funds to hire attorneys. He may or may not get caught, but he's guilty too. Several Alaskan State legislators have already been convicted of political crimes. More are still under investigation by the FBI, and I expect more convictions.

You may vote Republican until they run the country into the ground and I respect your choice. I'm not. This will be the first time in my life I vote Democratic across the entire ballot. I voted early and already did so. The only reason I could think for anyone to vote Republican in this election is if they wanted to send a message to the Republican Party and Republican candidates for the next four years that Bush did a bang up job over the past 8 years, and let them know that they support and desire more of the same. Do you remember Bush's statement after winning his second election? He said I've earned some Political Capital and I intend to spend it. He certainly did. He completely wasted it and took the country down with his ineptitude. What do you think gets politicians' attention besides money? It's the threat of losing their job at the government pig trough. The vote of the American public is the only way to send a message that enough is enough, and I'm somewhat sorry to say, that's going to happen on Tuesday. I'm also somewhat sorry to say things got so bad that it needed to happen. However I'll be glad when it sends Sarah back to Alaska. That'll give her plenty of time to finish the job of routing her no-good ex-brother-in-law out of the State Troopers. :rolleyes: But most importantly, it will keep her out of the White House.

But I'm going to miss her on Saturday Night Live. Pretty funny stuff. And sadly... true.

Well that's the gist of it. The Executive Summary.

Notice, not a word said about Obama's qualifications or his despicable past. He gets a pass by this individual. How can anybody who is a defender of the Second Amendment give Obama, Biden and the rest of the gun-hating liberals a pass? I can only surmise that person really, is one of them. All the twisted rhetorical riddles and excuses by this person were meant for what? To help us fight the anti-gunners? Was it to help our country by taking joy in the possible election of Obama, a known hater of our Constitution? His jumbled logic was, in part, for his own perverse entertainment. It was a show of his inner most hatred for the female, Governor Palin and either subconscious or conscious support for Obama. This person perpetually lashes out to demoralize the defenders of the Second Amendment. He certainly has fun with it and even laughs at his own stupid jokes about the most serious political contest in our nation's history. How can anyone who loves their gun rights hate Palin but not Obama? Folks, please bear with me in making a hypothetical case and pretend for a minute Hillary Clinton and Biden are running against McCain who picked Obama as his vice presidential candidate in efforts to reach across "The Aisle". Sounds crazy but I am making a conclusive point. Would any non-liberal or Second Amendment defender be happy with such a pick? Sounds like someone would be very happy. In fact that person will not vote for McCain because the vice presidential pick is Palin. Perhaps he would be happier with Obama as the vice president? I think so because he is not countering his vote against an Obama vote and voting Democratic down the line to further strengthen their cause! Talk about throwing your ammunition into the fire. What sort of diabolical thought process is this? What sort of stupid logic is this? Or is this what he meant to do all along. Wasn't he voting for McCain a few days ago but now he changed his mind but voted early, how early? Going back to our hypothetical case: Would anybody be happier if the vice presidential candidate was changed to Palin? Yes, of course, for many reasons. Palin is a governor and the only candidate with executive experience, she defends the Second Amendment, and she does not have terrorist friends. Nothing that happened with Sarah Palin in office as the Alaskan governor compares to Obama's corruption, dishonesty, Nazi-like propaganda machine, and putrid relationships. Nothing! Palin had puny controversies compared to Obama's list of anti-American relationships. Why isn't he comparing and contrasting those issues? She does not involve herself or stands by while Gestapo democratic operatives find dirty laundry on "Joe the Plumber" for simply asking a question. She would never mock any "Joe the Plumber" like Obama and Biden did publicaly while their supporters roared in laughter. For these reasons Palin is far a superior candidate to Obama. Why would someone express so much hatred towards Palin but remain silent about Obama? Where are the values of such a person? I am not happy with Bush or the Republican Party either but I will be damned if I would give up the fight to keep this country free. Obama may very well win but I would never kick my fellow Americans when they are down. I would never take joy in losing a battle. I do not use my disappointment with Bush and Republicans to spew hatred on the people who are trying to keep our gun rights. I would certainly never give Obama, the enemy of the Second Amendment, a vote by neglecting to vote for McCain. I would never shoot a fellow soldier in the back if he made a mistake in battle just to teach him a lesson? Would any of you? Yes, we have right to vote for whichever candidate we choose, but people on either side take note in how we use that right. As for myself, I will not give up – ever! Giving power to Obama and a majority Democratic House is like handing them a razor blade to cut the throat of the Second Amendment. Never mind the liberal Supreme Court Justices Obama and the Democrats will put into power. If that happens we are looking at a future conflict amongst Americans when the liberals decide to disarm America. Do you want disarmament just because some foolishly decided punishing the Republicans was the right thing to do? I am weary of all the stupid logic. I know this much, someone will be in ecstasy if Obama wins? He can't wait to happily say, "I told you so!"
Re: SARAH PALIN - My kind of loser!

You wanna talk about Obama, start another thread.

I don't need to wait till next Tuesday. I've already told you time and again it's all over now. I think the strain must simply more than you can bear, so make sure you're seated as they announce State after State falling to Obama. Develop your firearm burial plan now so you can begin implementing whenever you finally accept the obvious... Oh yeah... it's President Obama to you.

Stick some feathers in your cap and you can pretend you're Sarah. That seems to help some Republicans feel better... :D

And someone said my posts come off as giddy? :D
Re: SARAH PALIN - My kind of loser!

You wanna talk about Obama, start another thread.

I don't need to wait till next Tuesday. ...

And someone said my posts come off as giddy? :D

Oh, that's right , you're an prophet for your messiah Obama that fotetells the future to include the election results.

Giddy is being polite. I'd say unAlaskan, unAmerican, and Marxist more like it.
like I have already said I gave almost 25 years of service to this great country so that people like you can can give away all that we have fought for sad sad !!! I almost wish now that the road side bomb had taken me home so that I wouldnt be here to watch what Obama is going to do! I can only hope that enuff will wake up on tuesday and vote for MACCAIN and stop this quick talking dem !!
Re: SARAH PALIN - My kind of loser!

Oh, that's right , you're an prophet for your messiah Obama that fotetells the future to include the election results.

Giddy is being polite. I'd say unAlaskan, unAmerican, and Marxist more like it.

Sour grapes? Surveyor gets credit for teaching me that educated phrase.

Temper temper. You're starting to sound a lot like that man - John McCain. Plain old angry mad at the world.

You've just about joined matador, down in the gutter.

PS: You're spelling is degrading. You better go back and correct it before Surveyor reads your post!
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phorwath what have you done for this country? my guess is nothing

As "Surveyor" would post in response... sour grapes?

A little off topic aren't you? You wanna start a new thread and title it elkguys What I've Done For My Country!

Better yet, George Bush - What I've Done for My Country. And you can bet he really means HIS COUNTRY! He bases that on all that political capital he earned from all the people that voted for him in his second election. The enablers.

Is this really the Republican Party spirit you'd like to advertise for the rest of us? Was this the kind of guy you were before you decided to vote for John McCain, or did you just follow-the-leader. John seems so angry for a guy that keeps repeating that he wants to be the underdog right up until the last vote is counted. You'd think he'd be thrilled to death. Hey - he's the mother or all underdogs in the polls. But unless my math is fuzzy, doesn't that mean he would have to lose?
elkguys, why do you bother with fauxworthless?

It is obvious that he has never voted Republican in his life and he lives to troll these type threads!

Let the thread mercifully die already.


PS who votes for the President based on the Vice-President any way.... and IF you did, then you think that the VP is a better choice than the Pres.
Taking that to its logical conclusion, Biden said Obama is NOT ready! Biden said that Obama is inviting a "test" from our enemies!
Why NOT believe Biden if you really think that he was a great choice! Clearly the VP is a bogus argument and this is just a trolling exercise!
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Interesting thing regarding what was just said about tissue and tears on election day. Demogog wins and the rest of us will be hounded and treated like second rate citizens. Republican wins and this thread will die and nothing else will be said.

Demogog wins and especially if the house has a demo-majority then everyone will lie,cheat,steal and make a killing off of those of us that work.
SO after time my own family and friends who will vote for the cause of their anxiety will start gripping and complaining about what is going on.
The Demogog's will blame Bush. My party voting family even still says the Ronald Reagon was the worst president this country ever had! I have watched this happening from a long time past. Was hoping I would not have to fight for my freedom again.

Can't talk to people like this guys. Totally a waste of time and print. The only productive direction this thread has taken is to tell each of us where our friends are and where the other side is and what they are thinking.

God help us please.

Neal in Kodiak
Re: SARAH PALIN - First Rate Loser!

elkguys, why do you bother with fauxworthless?

It is obvious that he has never voted Republican in his life and he lives to troll these type threads!

Let the thread mercifully die already.


PS who votes for the President based on the Vice-President any way.... and IF you did, then you think that the VP is a better choice than the Pres.
Taking that to its logical conclusion, Biden said Obama is NOT ready! Biden said that Obama is inviting a "test" from our enemies!
Why NOT believe Biden if you really think that he was a great choice! Clearly the VP is a bogus argument and this is just a trolling exercise!


You decided to crawl out of wherever in the effort to speak words of intelligence rather than more out-of-control hot-headed babble? Yet the nonsense still flows. You should work for Sarah. If she could sell the nonsense you're spewing she'd have a slam-dunk victory.

It's not a matter of voting for a Vice President. It's a matter of voting against one. That's where the votes will be lost. McCain brought us unqualified eye-candy with the selection of Sarah, and the women of the country aren't one bit flattered.

The rest of your comments are more of the same stuff - worthless. Let me remind you how wrong you were on the other thread in your conviction that Hillary Clinton would take the nomination from Obama. You'll be equally wrong again when the votes are counted next Tuesday. You'll just have to get comfortable in that surrounding of failure. A failed John, who selected a failed Sarah.

But it will still be a free country and you can always move to Arizona or Alaska and continue the love affair with the failed candidates.
Re: SARAH PALIN - A proven loser!

Interesting thing regarding what was just said about tissue and tears on election day. Demogog wins and the rest of us will be hounded and treated like second rate citizens. Republican wins and this thread will die and nothing else will be said.

Demogog wins and especially if the house has a demo-majority then everyone will lie,cheat,steal and make a killing off of those of us that work.
SO after time my own family and friends who will vote for the cause of their anxiety will start gripping and complaining about what is going on.
The Demogog's will blame Bush. My party voting family even still says the Ronald Reagon was the worst president this country ever had! I have watched this happening from a long time past. Was hoping I would not have to fight for my freedom again.

Can't talk to people like this guys. Totally a waste of time and print. The only productive direction this thread has taken is to tell each of us where our friends are and where the other side is and what they are thinking.

God help us please.

Neal in Kodiak

Scary stuff there Neal. Reminds me of the Bush doctrine. You're either for us or against us. Where's your temperance? Where's your tolerance? The majority of the country is your enemy? McCain/Sarah are going to lose. Does that mean the majority of the citizens of this country are your enemy. You gonna take up arms and launch you a civil war? You gonna revert to acts of terrorism?

Hunter's got some scary stuff to say too. Are we really expected to believe we're either for him or against him (Hunter) based on our vote? If Hunter's disapproves of other's selection in a candidate then Hunter's blanket characterization applies - and I quote: "I'd say unAlaskan, unAmerican, and Marxist more like it."

Do you remember that our country is designed on the principle that the majority vote represents the will of the majority of the citizens in the country? These strong statements aren't unlike the threats of the Taliban and those who practice the extreme versions of Islam. Has God told you to take up arms?

How about you just pick up a pen or pencil and mark your ballots. Then win or lose, move on to the best of your ability in whatever party has been selected for the next four years. Remember, it would be awfully difficult for either side to do any worse than what we've had to endure for the past 8 years.
Re: SARAH PALIN - Unfit for diaper duty per Colin Powell

phorwath what have you done for this country? my guess is nothing

General Colin Powell has a political disagreement with you as to who the better candidate is. Are you going to ask him what he's done for this country?

Sour grapes for sure.
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