SARAH PALIN - My kind of gal!

Yes, but the more radical Muslims believe that anyone who is not converted is an infidel & should be killed. Not my idea, their idea. If you can convince them through setting down with them that they are wrong, please do & I hope you get unlimited funding, I would give some myself.

Pretty hard to deal with someone that is satisfied with nothing less than your death.
I can agree on that any sob that would strap a bomb on them is pretty much 5150 if you ask me how could you sit and talk with someone like that?
No offense to anyone's beliefs but IMO,
The Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Dark Ages, Jihad, Israeli occupation of "The Holy Land", The Nazi Holocaust, Serbs and Croats, etc,etc,etc......
This whole Middle Eastern based deity belief system has gotten out of control for centuries! Remember I said IMO!
Really, how many millions/billions need to suffer and die?

You know, it often said "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

IT'S BROKE! :confused:
I would have to agree. Watch the Katie Couric interviews and you'll get a taste of the depth of the inexperience on national & international affairs. Who could really be surprised? How McCain or anyone else could expect Ms. Palin to be vastly knowledgable and experienced about anything other than Wasilla or Alaskan politics or business beats me. A small-town City Mayor and the Governor of the least populated State in the Union for less than two years. Even if she's smart as a whip, there's only so much expertise to be learned on this level, and time, of work experience. I'm afraid the debate with Biden will be telling also.

Oh Really!!!!!!!!
No offense to anyone's beliefs but IMO,
The Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Dark Ages, Jihad, Israeli occupation of "The Holy Land", The Nazi Holocaust, Serbs and Croats, etc,etc,etc......
This whole Middle Eastern based deity belief system has gotten out of control for centuries! Remember I said IMO!
Really, how many millions/billions need to suffer and die?

You know, it often said "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

IT'S BROKE! :confused:

But it is broken. You throw a lot of names and historical events out. I don't blame you. But there is only one truth. Crusades claim to be Christian. I know the Bible very well. They were in completely out side of Gods will. He never needed their help to rescue Jerusalem .God doesn't win souls by the sword,or might.Its by grace and mercy some thing I'm under qualified for but yet I have it because of the GOD/Man Jesus.
You guys make me laugh. Keep patting each other on the back. Reminds of the TV show Cheers.

Sarah makes a good hockey mom - when she isn't busy watching the western coast of Alaska for Russian Mig fighter planes or settling scores with personal enemies. But she doesn't really answer questions because she doesn't have the depth to answer them. But golly gee, she look's pretty good for a small town gal from the far north. And she does live close to Russia. Don't forget that resume of international experience. If that's what it takes to impress you in the way of vice presidential material, she'll be perfect.

The reality is that every guest on Charlie Rose's Nightline show following the debate tonight said that Palin accomplished what she needed to accomplish because the bar was set so low for her performance based on her past two weeks of interviews and snafus, that all she had to do was still be alive at the end of the debate. Furthermore, all of the guests concluded that Biden won the debate on any issues of substance. Now the republican-spirited response will be that "Charlie Rose is a know-nothing democrat and all his guests were commie democrats also, so what else did you expect out of them?"

Oh, they also said that McCain/Palin are losing ground because McCain lost credibility on the current financial crisis. Palin evidently couldn't help John McCain out with his finances. And they shared this tidbit. The McCain Campaign pulled out of Michigan today, concluding it was a lost cause. Palin evidently couldn't help him with the campaign effort there. And have you noticed? McCain doesn't look or act very pleased, content, or happy these past couple of weeks. He just comes across as plain old mad. You'd think some of Sarah's cheerfulness and small town small-talk and light-heartedness would wear off on John. But Sarah hasn't really helped John's disposition any either. In fact, he seems to be going down hill.

Here's a plan. Sarah's such a political legend and hero... let's have her be our Republican Presidential contender and let John McCain fill-in for her as the Vice-Presidential contender. She's such the small town folksie sweetie. That will for sure turn it all around and lead to a Republican victory. Whaddya think Hunter? If you're gonna share Sarah with the rest of us, might as well go all the way and share her as President. What's a Vice President do anyhow? PS: Don't ask Sarah. She's still in-training.
Yeah, what phorwath said!

Obama is a GREAT man. He admits that the surge worked beyond his wildest dreams, but get this, he still would not have voted for it! WHAT?

Obama is a GREAT man. He picked Biden because he was afraid that Hillary would overshadow him. McCain would be shutting down his campaign in ALL of the States if he had had the balls to do it, but he punked out!

Obama is a GREAT man. He would talk to all of the dictators "without preconditions"!
That is as stupid as it gets!

Obama is a GREAT man. Smart man, for sure, but doesn't know that his spiritual mentor is a racist?

Obama is a GREAT man. Hangs out with a true American terrorist, had a political party at his house and funneled millions through the Chicago Annenberg Challenge!

Obama is a GREAT man. He couldn't find it in himself to salute the Flag until he got called on it. NOW, he is Mr. Patriotic! Don't forget how Patriotic it is to pay lots and lots of Taxes :(

Obama is a GREAT man. TWO memoirs before age 45....sure seems full of himself!

OBAMA, thanks but no thanks!

You guys make me laugh. Keep patting each other on the back. Reminds of the TV show Cheers.

Here's a plan. Sarah's such a political legend and hero... let's have her be our Republican Presidential contender and let John McCain fill-in for her as the Vice-Presidential contender. She's such the small town folksie sweetie. That will for sure turn it all around and lead to a Republican victory. Whaddya think Hunter? If you're gonna share Sarah with the rest of us, might as well go all the way and share her as President. What's a Vice President do anyhow? PS: Don't ask Sarah. She's still in-training.

Glad to be of help if it can make you laugh, phorwath.

I would be far more comfortable with Sarah as President than either Obama or Biden. I'll tell you who would be voting against Sarah if they could, and for Obamo/Biden I might add. It would be our enemies in the middle east. Who will be voting against John/Sarah, and for Obama/Biden are Americans, and sadly there are quite a few of them, that hold an idealogical worldview of socialism.

You can continue voicing your anti-Sarah sentiment, phorwath. As for me, I'll continue to say...

Go Sarah, Go!!!
I agree that Sarah did a pretty good job. I wouldn't call it lights out, but it was good.

I would really like to talk a little more about the Iraq war. All this crap about the lies, and war for oil, and what not, is just that. Someone please tell me what Middle East country was going to let us run cart-blanc looking for Bin Laddin. I think we can all agree that the attacks on 9-11 were from the Middle East. I think we can all agree that the attacks were also carried out by Muslims. I think we can all agree that they (the Middle East Muslim terrorists) said that they were going to do it again. It seems to me that they called for our surrender. The only country in the Middle East that could give us access to do something about the prior statements was Iraq. No one could deny that they had thumbed their noses at the UN. They were also calling for the destruction of the United States. No one has ever been able to deny that there was wmd's prior to the start of the war. Fact are facts, they were used previously. I can't see how anyone can be so short sighted as to not see the connection to Iraq in all of this. If we had run willy nilly through the Middle East, hunting down Bin Laddin, we would have gotten pounded by enemies we didn't know we had. I think we can all also agree that we have kept the Middle East Muslim terrorists pretty busy over there, not here. Our only chance of changing the Middle East was to create a free Iraq, and hope that freedom is contagious. This is our only chance short of turning the whole place into glass.

These are some rough times that we are in. To think that world class liberalism like that of Obamma is going to be better for our country as a whole than Heartland of America salt of the earth values like Palin's, I just don't get. The only way our country can survive is to stay on the top. Anything short of the top means we have been defeated, and we will be looking up just to see the top.

If Obamma wins you all should start brushing up on your Chinese and Russian. I guarantee that they will not put up with the Mexican invasion. Think about it.

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