My Hunting Partner Gone but Not Forgotten

Lost my dad in 2018 we never got to go to Idaho together and chase elk, took his rifle that year took a fine 5x5 he was there the whole time, I could feel him. Sorry for your loss. Cherish the memories.
Thank you for sharing your story. I lost my Dad a number of years ago, but the memories never go away and I still miss him greatly. Having a caring and loving Dad to experience the outdoors with is a blessing. I was very lucky to have such a Dad, and have done my best to be the same kind of Dad to my Son and Daughter. DD62
Well, last Thursday morning I woke up before dawn thinking about my dad (who died a few days before), planning the funeral in my head, and reminiscing all the good times we had in the woods.

I could hear him chastising me for not hunting on the ranch much and me telling him I was saving the deer for my kids and grandkids!

As I lay there I started thinking I could at least go sit on the stand and watch the sun come up and spend time with my thoughts alone. So I got dressed, grabbed my rifle and walked quietly to the stand. I saw several young bucks and a few doe. They all made their way back into the brush and I was about to leave when some movement caught my eye…

Dad, I know you would be happy! I shot a buck at the ranch for the first time in 15-20 years. Turned out to be the biggest ever taken at the ranch!

Oh: 7RM, ACTAR, 168 ABLR's, 200 yards - DRT
Thanks for sharing, those of us who had good father's can relate to your story. Pass the memories to yours
Well, last Thursday morning I woke up before dawn thinking about my dad (who died a few days before), planning the funeral in my head, and reminiscing all the good times we had in the woods.

I could hear him chastising me for not hunting on the ranch much and me telling him I was saving the deer for my kids and grandkids!

As I lay there I started thinking I could at least go sit on the stand and watch the sun come up and spend time with my thoughts alone. So I got dressed, grabbed my rifle and walked quietly to the stand. I saw several young bucks and a few doe. They all made their way back into the brush and I was about to leave when some movement caught my eye…

Dad, I know you would be happy! I shot a buck at the ranch for the first time in 15-20 years. Turned out to be the biggest ever taken at the ranch!

Oh: 7RM, ACTAR, 168 ABLR's, 200 yards - DRT
That's awesome and thanks for sharing. Sometimes, no words need to be spoken. Very sorry for your loss and there's no better way of knowing that he was smiling down on you! Remember that at the Thanksgiving blessing and hopefully it'll put a smile on your face.
maybe one day, my kiddos will be posting like this….

now if i can get the terds to sit still for more than 30 seconds, much less 8-14 hours lol
I used a ground blind to get my kids started. They could bring toys or a book and not have to be "totally still". They still bring up and laugh about some of the funny things that happened.
So sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad last year and hunting seasons are much harder now, but when it gets me down, I try to think about happy memories from past hunting seasons. Glad you will have yet another great memory to pass along.
Well, last Thursday morning I woke up before dawn thinking about my dad (who died a few days before), planning the funeral in my head, and reminiscing all the good times we had in the woods.

I could hear him chastising me for not hunting on the ranch much and me telling him I was saving the deer for my kids and grandkids!

As I lay there I started thinking I could at least go sit on the stand and watch the sun come up and spend time with my thoughts alone. So I got dressed, grabbed my rifle and walked quietly to the stand. I saw several young bucks and a few doe. They all made their way back into the brush and I was about to leave when some movement caught my eye…

Dad, I know you would be happy! I shot a buck at the ranch for the first time in 15-20 years. Turned out to be the biggest ever taken at the ranch!

Oh: 7RM, ACTAR, 168 ABLR's, 200 yards - DRT
Sorry for your lost. Lost mine from a heart attack in May. He was 78. Nice Buck.
I lost my Dad in 2016, 6 weeks short of his 94th birthday! I miss him, and owe far too many things list to him. However, hunting wasn't one of those things. He hunted very little once he started our family, money was always tight and he worked tirelessly into his early 80's!

Though, I may owe my first deer @ age 11 to him. My grandparents lived at the end of a five mile dirt road (only 4 homes....all kin folk). It was December 29th (he was also a meticulous bookkeeper) my Dad and several of us went hunting. I was out north of the house with my grandfather, while my Dad went into the thickets SE of the house. He jumped a deer, though he never saw it, and a few minutes later a little Whitetail buck appeared in front of my grandfather and myself.....the rest is history!

Just one of the many memories that I'll forever carry! memtb

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