My 260 by MCR

The VLDs regularly vex me in that all of these are three shot groups and you will notice that several of the groups have two shots in virtually the same hole. Then it throws one round slightly out of the group. If I could find what it is that throws the last round out of the group, this would be a <.25moa load. From a previous post, I may try the Fiocchi primers.

Any thoughts on improving VLD accuracy?

I built a 260 Ackley for long-range antelope hunting and I am shooting the MH 140 VLDs. I experienced the same issue in the beginning. I started playing with seating depths and found the sweet spot for my load at .050" off the lands. All of my groups are five shot groups and now range from 0.26" - 0.54"!

Try moving back in increments of 0.10" from where you are know and see what happens. You should find the sweet spot fairly quick.

Good Luck.
The Duke007,
Trebark and I usually hunt on my farm in fauquier county, va. Can shoot deer to 500yards there. Also sometimes hunt a friend of mine's place where 1900yards, or more is possible. However our rangefinders and wind doping ability is not quite up to par for that yet. 1200 and in, deer better watch out however.
Nice, i have a farm in dellaplane, next to barrel oak winery if your familiar. I get to shoot about 700 yds. If i ask the neighbor i can get up to 2000. But i am not ready for that yet.
I realy like your rifle, you did a great job. A+. It kind looks like my first 7MM MAG. But I have some rust spots on her and I have another 7Mag I just got, so I bought a bolt on E-BAY for a 300Mag
and I have another barrel orderd.
You did a great job..
I realy like your rifle, you did a great job. A+. It kind looks like my first 7MM MAG. But I have some rust spots on her and I have another 7Mag I just got, so I bought a bolt on E-BAY for a 300Mag
and I have another barrel orderd.
You did a great job..


Just picked up my 300RUM, also customized by Kevin at Montour County Rifles ( It is a visual twin to my 260. Will be starting a new thread with pics soon.
Picked up my 300RUM. It is almost a visual twin of the 260 (260 in the rear)

Just a quick update as the 260 has had a couple of upgrades done - CDI detachable mag bottom metal and Badger bolt knob. Had the work done as I shot a tactical match recently and not having a detachable mag put me at a real disadvantage. Bolt knob should have been done when the rifle was initially built.

This will necessitate load redevelopment as my current load will not fit in the mag box. Couple of buddies have been shooting the 130grain JLK with great success.


As always, all work done by Kevin Cram at Montour County Rifles (
It took some work, but seem to have found a mag length load. If initial performance continues, this will be the singular load for this rifle as JLK bullets can be used for both targets and hunting.

In load development, was pretty much set on the 130JLK, H4350 and Lapua brass. This left charge weight and primers as the variables. Tried F210M, CCI BR2 and Fiocchi primers. Fiocchi provided a consistent low ES across multiple charge weights of H4350. Thanks to ICANHITHIMMAN in a previous post in this thread suggesting Fiocchi primers. My load development had me focusing-in on F210M and on a whim, tried the Fiocchi. So far their performance has been great.

Here are the details:

Bullet: 130grain JLK
Powder: 45.4grain H4350
Primer: Fiocchi Large Rifle Primer
Brass: Lapua (love it that Lapua came out with 260 brass!)

Velocity: 3005fps
ES = 5
Accuracy = .320moa (pic below)


Used this load at an informal tactical match this past weekend. The load performed well out to 700+ yards.

Ran the ballistics on this load and with the 130JLK going 3005fps, it is a deer killer to ~900 yards.
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