Which do you prefer, moa or mils?

  • MOA

    Votes: 135 65.2%
  • MIL

    Votes: 53 25.6%
  • Use both equally well

    Votes: 19 9.2%

  • Total voters
i think some one said it.
it is what we learned
mils is NOT what we learned, it is not intuitive to the rest of our world of numbers.
neither is "better" both work.
i am not in the military,
moa for me
Lucky me - MOA knobs with MIL reticle. Once I got comfortable with them both, fairly easy to do the conversions in my head - and I have a laminated cheat sheet if I need a quick refresh!
I use both, but am definitely leaning towards using MILS. 1m at 1000m actually isn't that difficult as it is just ratio. It is also 1 yard at 1000 yards or 1 inch at 1000 inches. at 100m, the normal 1/10th MIL adjustment equates to 1 cm, or between 1/3 and 1/2 inch.
I might have a slight advantage working with the metric system though. As a scientist, I work with it quite often and can think in either system.
I started with MOA over 20 years ago. I used both side by side for about 5 years. After that, I went MILS and never looked back. The deciding factor was the ease of the wind math. The MILS wind math was so much easier to do in my head.

Funny thing the last few years, I have been working with an improved MOA wind formula that I adapted from my MILS formula. It works exactly the same way as my MIL formula, so now I use either one with the same ease.

But I will never go back to MOA for my primary preference, I have too much invested in MILS to switch.
So add I stand here making bullets and wrapping my head around mils. Roughly a 3/4 mil correction runs close to 1 moa correction.
I was just about to post that after looking again. Not sure how to make the conversion spacially.
I'm not sure why you would need to convert. You use either one system or the other.

Edit: I guess if you were shooting with someone that had the other system, the conversion might be necessary when spotting for them.
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I am equally comfortable with both and could be happy using either. Having said that, I prefer an MOA/SFP for hunting, and a MIL/FFP for competition(tactical/PRS). I find the MOA reticle and SFP orientation/scaling cleaner and more intuitive for hunting conditions and applications. For time restricted competition, with varied targets/distances, I'm substantially more effective with MiLS/FFL.
My first "bonafide" LRH rifle, many years ago, had a Leupold MK4, with a MIL reticle and MOA turret. In hindsight it was, IMO, an abomination, but did motivate me to thoroughly learn the use of MILS. It was my primary method for ranging game quite effectively to 500 yards back then given affordable rangefinders left much to be desired.
MOA for's what i learned on and the arithmetic is simpler to me....though i do appreciate 'base 10' measuring (iirc MIL is a base-10 graduated system).

Though 'fluent' in the Imperial System, i strongly prefer measuring with metric. It is so much simpler to be precise (vs fractions of an inch).

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