love long legs XXX rated


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2003
new mexico
and most of our coyote around here have long legs, like this one\. did som calling this morning up off the river with my fox pro used a grey fox in distress pup. worked like a charm and little did the male coyote's long legs get him there in 20 seconds would be his last run.
added the teeth picture so you guys could estimate his age. xxx rating cause he wasn't wearing any pants.

shot him with my custom 6 ppc at 80 yards with a 70 gr sierra h.p. match boatail doing 3143 at the muzzle. the bullet hit him just in front of the right shoulder and did not exit, amazing.


love it, 70 gr sierra match hp bt 3143 fps 29gr 8208 powder and shoots in the 3's. barrel is 21" and the chamber is the ppc usa, no neck turning. aa 2200 was faster (3241 fps)and just as accurate but pressures seemed to be higher.