Let's create new USER TITLES for LRH

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
Currently there are 3 different USER TITLES that depend on the number of posts a member makes.

They are:
  • Junior Member - (0 posts)
  • Member - (30 posts)
  • Senior Member - (100 posts)
Let's come up with some better USER TITLES. And I think we need 2 more, higher post count TITLES for 500 and 1,000 posts.

What are your suggestions?
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Currently there are 3 different USER TITLES that depend on the number of posts a member makes.

They are:
  • Junior Member - (0 posts)
  • Member - (30 posts)
  • Senior Member - (100 posts)
Let's come up with some better USER TITLES. And I think we need 2 more, higher post count TITLES for 500 and 1,000 posts.

What are your suggestions?


Just a thought but what if you used the NRA Match rating.

High Master

And assign the value how ever you want.

This might encourage more post to improve ones rating.

Some one had to be first
Use the military ranking for shooters,marksman,expert,sniper.If you could use a pic of the actual patch from the uniform that would be sweet.BTW encouraging more posts just brings on a plethoraof short,pointless replys to threads to get post count up.
Use the military ranking for shooters,marksman,expert,sniper.If you could use a pic of the actual patch from the uniform that would be sweet.BTW encouraging more posts just brings on a plethoraof short,pointless replys to threads to get post count up.
I think you mean marksman, sharpshooter, expert, see the post prior to yours.
I have to agree with Nonya. By encouraging more posts you'll see more "me too" posts just to get the count up. I honestly don't even acknowledge who's a junior member, member or senior member. I'll read anyone's responses whether it's their 1st or 5,000ths. Most of us can call ******** when we read it and we know to take what that particular person posts with a grain of salt. Sometimes a short response gets the answer but some of us have written out a full page post and it only counts as 1 post. If we're really worried about post count how about those that post over a certain alpha character amount get credit for more than one post. This way those that post a full page response of information gets more credit than the guy who posts after you and just posts " me too".
Most of us can call ******** when we read it and we know to take what that particular person posts with a grain of salt.

I just finished dinner and got to laughing so hard I nearly lost dinner. That would have been a shame being as I cooked a pretty good meal.

I am retired and can post as much as I like so the people who are still working away in the salt mines don't have a chance. It would be good to have categories but they should be slightly humorous so people don't really believe that post count implies a high degree of knowledge.

Perhaps a way of implying something about a persons skill would be to have little stars or deer symbols after a persons name for every kill over 1k and if it was varmints then it would need to be beyond 1.5 K. As Kevin says, it is often obvious when a person has fabricated a hunt.

I like the idea in general but do think that the titles should not imply too much.
LRH isn't just about shooting/marksmanship, so I depart from the recommendations for use of NRA, Military, or other competition shooting rankings of skill.

But I agree with additional categories for higher post counts. Because a really high post count generally does imply that the member is fairly avid about hunting, and increases the likelihood that the member has a pretty good base of knowledge.

It's no guarantee of expertise, but more often than not will coincide with well-rounded knowledge of hunting and the related activities.
I don't see the need for titles at all. It should be the content of your words and the fact that there are great people on this site that are willing to help others, regardless of what title is in front of their name. I have read some great posts by junior members, and don't put anyless value on their words because of a " title". More titles would just seem pretencious, and would only serve certain egoes.
i tend to agree with the Quality over Quantity argument here. the substance of the post means a whole lot more to me than the # of posts a guy has out there. there are some on here (fiftydriver for instance) who always have some incredible insight to the question at hand, then there are others who just kinda tag along.......i will take what ever badge you honor me with...AJ
With all due respect, having retired from the military, I don't care much for ranking peoples' standings. As someone already noted it's quality over quantity. Those that frequent this forum knows the who's who and everybody has something to contribute at varying levels/capacity. I am just amazed of the expertise in this forum and love reading their posts, advices, and comments. In the short amount of time since I joined I learned so much already ... and for that, thanks to all. :D

If it was up to me, I'd leave the ranking the same but perhaps consider the post count requirement, i.e. as follows:

  • Junior Member - (< 500 posts)
  • Member - (501 - 1000 posts)
  • Senior Member - (> 1000 posts, then add a star for every thousand thereafter)
Just my 2-pence for your consideration. Thanks.

I don't see the need for titles at all. It should be the content of your words and the fact that there are great people on this site that are willing to help others, regardless of what title is in front of their name. I have read some great posts by junior members, and don't put anyless value on their words because of a " title". More titles would just seem pretencious, and would only serve certain egoes.

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