Help with finding rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor

Creedmoor shooter

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2013
New hampshire
Hi all, i'm new here so maybe you guys can help me out.:) I'm looking for a rifle in a 6.5 creedmoor, but i'm having troubles deciding on what to get. I'm looking at a DPMS LR in a creed which seems like a really nice rifle. Has anyone had the privilege of dealing with this gun? Also looking at a savage LRH in a creed. Cant seem to make up my mind..... A little help please? would be greatly appreciated.
My choice between the two rifles you list is a very easy one. I'll take the Savage LRH'er every day of the week. It will be more accurate, easier on brass (plus you don't have to hunt for it after you shoot), & it's probably cheaper to boot.

No contest between the two, don't get me wrong, I own 5 black rifles & love them all however, they are a different tool to me compared to a precision rifle.

BTW. I have a Savage Mod 10 in 6.5 Creed'. Ugliest rifle on the planet & a **** fine shooter.

I was looking at that model but i think the lrh would suit me better. What are you getting for groups with that rifle? Also considering building a custom Remington 700 in a 6.5 cm. Your thoughts? I've made up my mind on a 6.5 Creedmoor just torn on which rifle.
I was looking at that model but i think the lrh would suit me better. What are you getting for groups with that rifle? Also considering building a custom Remington 700 in a 6.5 cm. Your thoughts? I've made up my mind on a 6.5 Creedmoor just torn on which rifle.

I bought the mod 10 because i'm a southpaw, which limits my options severely. The LRH would be a great choice & I have every confidence it will shoot very well. The Mod 10 out of the box was rocking factory 120 AMax's @ 1/2moa. I've since moved on to Copper Creek 130 VLD's & Hornady Match 140 Amax's.

The custom in 6.5 creed' is never a bad idea as long as you're willing to drop a significantly larger chunk of $$$.

I bought the mod 10 because i'm a southpaw, which limits my options severely. The LRH would be a great choice & I have every confidence it will shoot very well. The Mod 10 out of the box was rocking factory 120 AMax's @ 1/2moa. I've since moved on to Copper Creek 130 VLD's & Hornady Match 140 Amax's.

The custom in 6.5 creed' is never a bad idea as long as you're willing to drop a significantly larger chunk of $$$.


Thats pretty good for factory ammo. How is the action on that rifle? I'm not sure how much a 700 custom would cost me.... I'll have to shop around. The thing that scares me about savage is the action. But i haven't picked up a new savage lately... how are they?
I owned a Savage Predator in a 6.5 Creedmoor and liked the cartridge so much I decided to have my first custom built in the same caliber. The Savage was a solid 3/4 MOA gun with the 140 AMaxs but the guy that bought it from me had it shooting around 1/4 MOA with 130 grain Bergers.

Every person that's ever shot my Creedmoor comments on how fun it is. My 110 pound sister can shoot it all day long and the recoil doesn't bother her at all. Here is a pic of my custom, built off a Rem 700 with a Brux barrel.
I owned a Savage Predator in a 6.5 Creedmoor and liked the cartridge so much I decided to have my first custom built in the same caliber. The Savage was a solid 3/4 MOA gun with the 140 AMaxs but the guy that bought it from me had it shooting around 1/4 MOA with 130 grain Bergers.

Every person that's ever shot my Creedmoor comments on how fun it is. My 110 pound sister can shoot it all day long and the recoil doesn't bother her at all. Here is a pic of my custom, built off a Rem 700 with a Brux barrel.
View attachment 26897

Nice rig! beatiful weapon you have there. What are you getting for groups and What would a setup like that cost(not including scope).
Here's a 4 shot group at 300 yards (I only had 4 shells left and thought I'd see how she would do on paper). This gun will shoot everything under 3/4 MOA and this particular load shoots 3/8-1/2 with 5 shot groups. I think with a used action this set up (including the cost of the action) would set you back about $1500-1800.

Here's a 4 shot group at 300 yards (I only had 4 shells left and thought I'd see how she would do on paper). This gun will shoot everything under 3/4 MOA and this particular load shoots 3/8-1/2 with 5 shot groups. I think with a used action this set up (including the cost of the action) would set you back about $1500-1800.

View attachment 26898

Nice shooting! Ouch thats alot for me(college student ya know). Is there any way i can get away with a cheaper build? The most i can really spend is about 1200 bucks. :(
Thats pretty good for factory ammo. How is the action on that rifle? I'm not sure how much a 700 custom would cost me.... I'll have to shop around. The thing that scares me about savage is the action. But i haven't picked up a new savage lately... how are they?

1/2 moa is stupid good (at least in my book :cool:) for a factory gun shooting factory Match ammo. I have 100 rounds of the 140's I havent shot yet. the Copper Creek 130 VLD's aren't quite as good at 100 in the 3/4moa area.

I'm not sure I follow your question "how's the action?". It's just as strong as any Remington. As far as smoothness goes, this on is really smooth for a out of the Box Savage with ~50 rounds down the tube. Some of them i've handled are pretty rough, usually the low buck budget combos, I would avoid them.

The LRH should be just fine & with some use, even better. The bolt lift will always be a little heavier but noting you can't train yourself to deal with.

I would expect to payat least 2x the $$ for a custom over the factory Savage.

1/2 moa is stupid good (at least in my book :cool:) for a factory gun shooting factory Match ammo. I have 100 rounds of the 140's I havent shot yet. the Copper Creek 130 VLD's aren't quite as good at 100 in the 3/4moa area.

I'm not sure I follow your question "how's the action?". It's just as strong as any Remington. As far as smoothness goes, this on is really smooth for a out of the Box Savage with ~50 rounds down the tube. Some of them i've handled are pretty rough, usually the low buck budget combos, I would avoid them.

The LRH should be just fine & with some use, even better. The bolt lift will always be a little heavier but noting you can't train yourself to deal with.

I would expect to payat least 2x the $$ for a custom over the factory Savage.


Thanks for the info! The only thing holding me back on the savage is the looks. But i did see a guy on you tube shoot a ridiculous group with one chambered in a 25-06. I think 5 shots @ 100 yards in a 1/4in. Its hard to pass up a rifle that shoots like that and for the price.
Nice shooting! Ouch thats alot for me(college student ya know). Is there any way i can get away with a cheaper build? The most i can really spend is about 1200 bucks. :(

Buy a savage and see how it shoots. If you don't like the accuracy you are getting then you can rebarrel it for under $400. The other option is to watch your local classifieds and buy a savage just for the action (I can find them for around $300 pretty regularly) and then rebarrel it and pick the stock of your choosing. The great thing about buying one in pieces is that it's easier to spend $2-400 a pop over a couple of purchases than it is to shell out $1100 at one time.
Ok thanks for the help! The only other gun im interested in is the DPMS in a creed. What are your thoughts on this gun? The only thing i dont like is how heavy it is. Do you know how they shoot?
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