Finally got my 2016 pronghorn back from the taxidermist! PICS


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2015
Southwest Wyoming
So I drew another buck tag for the 2016 season (I live in Wyoming) and I wanted to get a buck that would score over 80, because I had seen so many of them. So after hunting for 3 days, and passing up around 150 bucks, I finally spotted one I thought would do.

My father was with me, so I had him do the spotting. While trying to get closer we bumped the pair of bucks from around 200 yards, but after seeing him that close I knew he was an 80+" buck. So we backed out a little, regrouped, and got onto them again. They went down into a dried pond, and we got set up for a shot at 876 yards. I dialed for wind that I thought was there, and sent it. Well, I was off on my wind call, but not horribly, my shot was a little far back. He ran about 50 yards and stopped, I dialed my wind down, and sent another that went through the top of the heart.

Well then I took him to the taxedermist, since he made my requirements at 81-3/8 green score. Unfortunately, my taxedermist broke his back a few months after starting my goat. He said he wanted to finish unless I didn't want to wait, and I told him I was willing to wait.

So fast forward to a few days ago....he calls and said it was finished!! So for my birthday, I got to pick up my pronghorn, which dry scored 80-6/8's. It came out beautiful, and was certainly a great memory.
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Nice goat!! Wish I had the patience to wait for a dandy, usually I find an 80+ goat right after I fill my tag ;-(
Thanks all!! I was certainly happy with him....I know goats can be hard to judge, but when I saw his diggers I was fairly certain he was what I wanted!! And ya, patience is certainly the key. It is so hard not to pull the trigger when you are seeing so many and have great opportunities on mature bucks!! I nearly pulled the trigger on two other mid 70's bucks, but I knew they weren't 80" class, and like I said, I passed well over 100 before I found this guy.
Whoa, Cody.............too bad you just shot the first thing that came along.......didn't try harder (haha:p).....................Seriously.................a seriously stunning goat!!! Beats my best ever..................congrats...................FW Bill
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