fall bears in Arizona

bryan c

May 23, 2008
I just finished a bear hunt in Arizona with an outfitter that I wont mention. The guides worked hard but the outfitter seemed more interested in scouting other game than finding bears. Who is a good bear outfitter?
Id highly recomend a DIY Oregon blackbear hunt on the brakes of the Snake River but ONLY if your in shape. It offers you everything from close quarters combat bear hunting to cross canyon shots depending what your in the mood for.Bring a side arm and a mechette, and LOTS of water.
If your in great physical shape, I cant think of a better place to bear hunt DIY spot and stock. Saves lots of $$$$$ that way too!
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OTC (non resident)-
TAG= $182.50
LIC= $140.50
for a ttl of $323.00 for being legal, plus your personal travel/food. They have a Boat rental in Richland if you wanna be lazy and spot from the river (only works this time of year when the wild fruit is ripe). Dont know how much boat rental costs.
OTC (non resident)-
TAG= $182.50
LIC= $140.50
for a ttl of $323.00 for being legal, plus your personal travel/food. They have a Boat rental in Richland if you wanna be lazy and spot from the river (only works this time of year when the wild fruit is ripe). Dont know how much boat rental costs.

thanks winmag i just viewed most of the licenses at oregons hunting regs site . boy your state rocks it looked like most everything including elk was OTC I think elk was $500.50 thats right their with colorado but i don't think that there bull is OTC not sure anyways . what kind of mule deer and elk do you have compared to colorado ??

Sorry to the original thread starter not trying to hijack but this has got me fired up:)

winmag can you get 900-1200 yard shots on bear this time of year in the location that you have mentioned ? Sounds like a little bit of heaven.....

Rifle tags for bulls in this area are not OTC only spikes are OTC. The bulls in Northeast OR can get close to what they have in Colorado, but they are not as prevelant and the tags for those areas are very difficult to draw. Mule deer that are trophy quality I are lacking in OR. There are some but they few and far between. I can tell you the unit that most of those are in if you areinterested, just PM me I won't type it in open forum. Bear hunting in OR is awesome and the shot distances you are asking for are easily attainable if you are hunting canyons. For august and early september the difficulty is that they are hanging in the bottoms of those canyons and generally in brushy wooded areas (huckleberry patches right now).. NE Oregon is often overlooked for it's hunting but we have great animals here!
thanks winmag i just viewed most of the licenses at oregons hunting regs site . boy your state rocks it looked like most everything including elk was OTC I think elk was $500.50 thats right their with colorado but i don't think that there bull is OTC not sure anyways . what kind of mule deer and elk do you have compared to colorado ??

Sorry to the original thread starter not trying to hijack but this has got me fired up:)


Deer and Elk OTC is only in the swamp on the west side, except for a few units on the Central, and East side. Most Elk OTC tags are spike only. There are exceptions of course, but usually if you want OTC for big Rocky Mountain Bulls your stuck flingin pointy sticks.

The number of quality Deer, and Elk sucks compared to Colorado! But we dont have any stupid Orange color laws, so Ill stay here.
Bears are a whole nother matter.............:D

Are there spots to clear 12-1500yds? Oh heck ya! you can see way farther than even the best shooter could shoot even with one of Kirby's rigs in many places. And theres also some places you cant hardly see your hand in front of your face. Depends how far up the side hills you are. Bottom =brushy, tops are wide open and the middle has some brush some trees some open. But ALL of it is steep.
Rifle tags for bulls in this area are not OTC only spikes are OTC. The bulls in Northeast OR can get close to what they have in Colorado, but they are not as prevelant and the tags for those areas are very difficult to draw. Mule deer that are trophy quality I are lacking in OR. There are some but they few and far between. I can tell you the unit that most of those are in if you areinterested, just PM me I won't type it in open forum. Bear hunting in OR is awesome and the shot distances you are asking for are easily attainable if you are hunting canyons. For august and early september the difficulty is that they are hanging in the bottoms of those canyons and generally in brushy wooded areas (huckleberry patches right now).. NE Oregon is often overlooked for it's hunting but we have great animals here!

Thanks a cow elk would be a trophy to me as long as it were 9-12 hundred:)

I hunted hornes until I started reading posts on this site now I just want to smoke one out yonder:D

Thanks for the reply Oregan is a long way from texas but it does sound like an adventure for sure......Bryan
to answer your question Tim Pickett in southern oregon is a great bear guide and I think the name of his outfit is north river out fitters.Google him and youll find him. As for the rest of Oregon hunting save your money and hunt elsewhere. Oregon is poorly managed for quality animals. I live here and hunt out of state for trophy quality.
to answer your question Tim Pickett in southern oregon is a great bear guide and I think the name of his outfit is north river out fitters.Google him and youll find him. As for the rest of Oregon hunting save your money and hunt elsewhere. Oregon is poorly managed for quality animals. I live here and hunt out of state for trophy quality.

+1. I agree 100% about the rest of our critters being poorly managed. Heck even the bears are poorly managed, but there are so dang many that you can find a big one more often than not.
The Deer, and Elk, etc, on the other hand are so overpressured, and poorly managed that true trophy grade animals are few and very far between here.
Ill hunt Idaho if I want a quality hunt on trophy game. I would not even bother wasting/donating my $ to ODFW now for a draw if your out of state. They just raised the prices and for what?????!!!!!!!???? I had a talk w/ ODFW and the only reason he could come up with was because they havent had an increase in 6 years......... wow, like Im supposed to be impressed, and agree that they need one now?.... NO WAY! Make those iddiots earn it If they wanna raise prices! Im a very unsatisfied Oregon resident and hunter. Maybe thats why I like Bear hunting so much......... Its the only critter left in Oregon that you can hunt with an OTC tag with a rifle and expect to get a trophy.
So ya, Bear huntin rocks in Oregon, the rest sucks especially compared to states like Idaho, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, etc.
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