Electronic calling


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2011
New Mexico
When you guys use an electronic caller, do you just leave it on or do you put it on for a minute and then turn it off, wait and see what happens, then turn it on again for another minute?
Start calling on alower volume and let it play for approx one minute shut it off and then startagain alittle louder after waiting 2min there are so many variables it can drive a person nuts. Howling in a couple of weeks may be good thru feb and early march try to find someplace no body has been goodluck
I leave mine on for a min or so but I do manipulate the volume as it is playing. Sometimes it helps, I also mix up calls never know what there in the mood for I also use some off the wall sounds that I think maybe new to them as in no one else is using ie. kitten in distress, racoon, chicken, anything that is a little different and not your run of the mill rabbit. JMOlightbulb
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