Earth day shoot in Colorado (redneck's on the loose)

AJ Peacock

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2005
Today was an 'interesting' day at work, it had me wondering if I should go to Wed service at Church or go to the bar and get hammered. I decided to pick up the phone and see if Allen ('dogdinger') was doing anything for dinner. He said to come on up, so I picked up a couple NY strips and a bit of single malt scotch and headed up to his place.

When I arrived, he had the grill heated up and the baked potatoes ready to go. While we ate the steaks, garlic bread, beans and potatoes, Allen had Bill O'Reilly on the TV. Once we'd had enough of the liberal/dem's and their bleeding heart / govt will save me attitudes; Allen told me that he was in the 'Earth day mood'. He had picked up a couple Solar lights at the Dollar Store and had set one at the 200yd target and another at the 800yd target. I put my plate away and put a little more Glenlivit in my glass, looked out the kitchen window and even though it was completely dark outside, I could see the 200 and 800yd targets lit up by the 'Earth day' friendly Solar lights.

I don't know whose idea it was, but we both agreed that we NEEDED to celebrate Earth day with an 800yd group with the 338 Edge.

Well, after we got everything setup and Allen settled in behind the Edge. He said "I need to buy a couple more Solar lights". I asked him, why. He said "I can see the target, but I can't see the wind flags". We both started laughing and I grabbed the Kestrel and a flashlight and headed outside. I had to go outside, since we where shooting from the reloading room shooting bench!

I read the wind at a bit over 4mph and Allen dialed his 1.5moa into his scope. As he settled in behind the Edge in the dark, I was interested in how much muzzle flash I was going to see in the dark.

Allen shot his 3 shots. Although the muzzle flash was bright, it wasn't very big, not nearly as big as shooting a short barrelled handgun in the dark. The 92gr of h1000 was pretty well burned up in Allen's 28" barrel.

We jumped in the pickup to see how we did.

Here is a picture of the group. A Wiskey and Coke was held in the picture for size comparison.

7" 3 shot group isn't too bad for an 800 yd group in the dark!


Here I am, re-checking the wind at the 800yd target.

Here is the "Earth day friendly Solar Target light"


Anyway, we celebrated Earthday with a little shooting over Solar powered lights. With a couple good NY strip steaks and a good single malt, it just doesn't get any better than this.

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Well, my daughter and I spent most yesterday picking up trash and inventorying it, weighing it and filling out data sheets. Then for dinner we had mule deer steaks baked in Lipton's onion soup mix and a side dish of red beans and rice.
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