Didn't mix my acraglas long enough, will it still harden?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2004
I was trying to do a quick bedding job around the recoil lug of an HS stock yesterday evening before my wife and little boy got home. Ran out of time in the middle of mixing the acraglas. Probably mixed it for 2 minutes instead of the 4 you are supposed to. I slapped everything together and pulled the action out of the stock this morning at about 11 hours. I was concerned that I had glued the action to the stock due to too much bedding compound oozing all around. The bedding material still feels a bit tacky and the stuff I trimmed off is still a little pliable. Will it eventually harden if given enough time?


be patient. Check it tomorrow morning. Then you'll know;)

We'd make a good 'smithing' thing. I do those kinds of things more often than a fella should.:D
I think that mixing time is a relitive deal ,
I mean if you mix it for a total of four minutes making for a total of 240 complete stirs wis it gonna be any better mixed that if you stird if for two minutes but still had 240 complete stirs?

I have foound that the old Accra Glass did take a little longer to set up and I had a couple kits from Brownells that never did get hard and was told that they may have been to old.

I'd give it a couple days to cure and see what happens and in the future I reccommend using Devcon Steel putty , it gets harder , is stronger and it doesen't run like accraglass does
Thanks, guys.
It does appear that it has hardened as of a little bit ago when I checked it. I just hadn't had it be pliable like that before. Good point on the mixing time, James. I have planned on using the Devcon stuff after hearing of the good results with it, just haven't gotten my hands on any yet. Any suggestions as to where I can get some of the Devcon? Midway USA lists a 1 lb can but out of stock. Don't know if I need that much anyway, as I only bed one or two rifles a year.

Good luck this fall!
Thanks, guys.
It does appear that it has hardened as of a little bit ago when I checked it. I just hadn't had it be pliable like that before. Good point on the mixing time, James. I have planned on using the Devcon stuff after hearing of the good results with it, just haven't gotten my hands on any yet. Any suggestions as to where I can get some of the Devcon? Midway USA lists a 1 lb can but out of stock. Don't know if I need that much anyway, as I only bed one or two rifles a year.

Good luck this fall!

I've always bought mine at Midway. It shows that it is available now
MidwayUSA - Devcon Plastic Steel Putty 1 lb
On the good side, I've never had a problem with partially used cans going bad. I think 1lb is the smallest that it is sold in. I use the Devcon steel PUTTY as it is really nice to work with. I end up using it on non gun stuff as well.

Brownells generaly has it also may want to look at McMaster Carr. A 1lb box will bed two rifles easy unless you remove ALOT of material.

The accraglass gel is also some decient stoff for the first timer , it comes in a split package and all you have to do is massage it together ,cut a corner off and squirt it in the stock.
My experience is that if the mix does not harden on time, it never will.

But my problems were from mixing materials at below room temp.
The cure temp does not matter, it is the mixing temp.
I now keep my Devcon Steel Putty in the house with me.
also, try marine tex. i use it for bedding but i do use runny acra glass for gluing in such things as bedding blocks, etc. flows better.
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