D.O.P.E. Journal?


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2022
Frisco, Texas
What do you guys use for your D.O.P.E. journal? Just a notebook of some kind or do you buy one of those fansy-schmansy uppety waterproof books? What do you find most [data] valuable to put in the journal? Do you only keep info on your range data or do you also write info on hunting as well? Thanks in advance gents!

- Wil
Some of everything. Paper in notebook usually rite in rain paper. Some books have diagrams with places I have shot with dope and conditions. Some fields I hunt a lot have diagram with known distances marked. Some just a paper taped to my gun.
Whatever works

I have it all on my phone, on my goggle drive, and on paper.

Best thing to do is true your data to your ballistics calculator or ra ge finder if it has AB and no more having to write it all down. You can build different profiles for different situations using AB, TRASOL etc. That's the easiest. Or rite in rain paper.
I bought one of those write in the rain books years ago thinking it would be useful or applicable. Maybe for someone else who wants to obsessively drawing in their hits on the charts and cold bore shots and stuff like that. All I did was use the notes pages in the back and wish I had more because the booklet is obnoxiously tiny. If I were to do it again I would just get a regular notebook, but typically I just put stuff in the notes on my phone because they are easier to transfer into the Sig rangefinder app, calculators, etc.
When I started keeping notebook records, much of the technology of today wasn't available. I still use the age-old, composition notebooks available at any CVS. Tabs for each rifle, all pertinent info recorded, and some cut/pasting. I keep records for every rifle/load, and must have a dozen notebooks accumulated over decades. Written records for an old fart like me are fast, easy, and most importantly…..timeless!
A page from one of my 6,5x284 hunters.
I bet that 13 year old flip phone fits anywhere, I miss mine!!!! Make it a contact, good morning Mr. 308... hello Mrs. 6.5 Grendel
I need to upgrade so that I can load a ballistic app and be able to enter notes. I can see the advantage of adding information into a phone and then putting it in a notebook for backup. I don't want a phone that is larger than the pistol that I carry everywhere. Two holsters or a new wardrobe. I would rather buy guns than clothes.
Thank you gents. I ordered one of the Impact Data Books this morning. I'm a software guy so I'll probably end up using a combination of this book and my phone/tablet/laptop. I'm also doing reloading now so that seems to be a lot more suited to an Excel spreadsheet since it's at home all the time.
My shooting and reloading notes organization has been pretty poor. I'm in the process of combining my reloading notes and range data into one place for each rifle. I got a dedicated composition book for each rifle I load for, currently four. The plan is to use this at the reloading bench and range along with data on my phone from ballistics app.