Quick Karl

Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2007
Scottsdale, AZ
<font color="blue">After being thoroughly frustrated with a Leupold scope -- a 4.5-14 x 40 AO VXIII mounted on a 300WM that started shifting impact and shooting 2-distict groups, and sending it to Leupold TWICE for repairs and them telling me TWICE there was nothing wrong with the scope. I sold it on eBay and figured I would give Burris a try... just so I would know from first-hand experience instead of hearsay and marketing hype.

Purchased a 624 XTR with the understanding from the Tech Support folks at Burris that they WOULD be offering 1/4" adjustments at "some time in the near future" – the scope has 1" elevation adjustments, and 1/2" windage adjustments... which is fine if all you have to do is hit a HumVee at a thousand yards half the time... I have email correspondence from Burris from the last few weeks regarding the availability of 1/4" adjustments and they just today told me that they have decided <u>NOT</u> to offer 1/4" adjustments for this scope, ever.

So for the last few weeks I mounted the scope and gave it a try and here is what I do not like about this scope:

1. The ocular lens (the eye piece) has a lot of play in it -- when you are attempting to adjust the reticle focus (see next paragraph) you can actually see the target shifting when you grasp the eye piece and give it a little wiggle... <u>not good.</u>

2. For the life of me, I can NOT get a crystal clear focus on the reticle... I have other scopes, a Nikon ProStaff in fact, that focuses <u>PERFECTLY,</u> and can look through a friend's Nightforce and focus the reticle <u>PERFECTLY...</u> so it's not 'my eyes' -- but for some reason that Burris is unwilling to even talk about, you just can NOT get this reticle to focus crystal clear, under <u>any</u> circumstance -- and thereafter, when you get it focused as good as you can, you'd better not move your head even .001" or it will blur completely.

Of course the person that answers the email at Burris immediately jumped to the conclusion that I had never focused a reticle in the last 20-years of my shooting experience and began explaining how I should look at the sky then through the scope then adjust a 1/4 turn at a time bla blab bla…

3. The Parallax adjustment has what I would call a bump in it – when you are rotating the adjustment knob you reach a point of increasing resistance until finally is jumps passed the resistance to become easier to rotate – making any fine adjustment in the area of the 'bump' all but futile – Like all good companies today, Burris is NOT interested in hearing these valid observations and just wants to assume there is nothing wrong with their product – their answer is that they are so busy now it might take a long time to get my scope repaired, the implication being that I should just live with it considering the affordable price of the scope….

I guess like everyone else, I'm just going to have to suck-it-up and buy a Nightforce – I am tempted to try the Nikon Tactical but Nikon being an even larger bureaucracy than Burris I am SURE customer service and repair if needed, would take forever.

Saving for a Nightforce. </font>
I went through a similiar process with Burris several years ago on one of the Black Diamond 30mm scopes. I sent the first one back to them, they sent me a new scope although they said nothing was wrong with the first scope.

The original scope had fit/finish/function problems as well as the optical issues.

The replacement scope only had optical issues.

I could never, with either of the Burris scopes, get as good resolution as I can with my little Nikon 3-9x40mm which does NOT even have A.O. In fact, the little Nikon is as good or better than my high dollar Leupolds.

Go figure!


PS: I even talked to the company president at the time and tried to explain the problems to him. His response was to tell me how hard it is to get and keep good employees and how they were trying very hard to produce a quality product,etc. etc-------.

I felt Sooooooo much better!
I went through a similiar process with Burris several years ago on one of the Black Diamond 30mm scopes. I sent the first one back to them, they sent me a new scope although they said nothing was wrong with the first scope.

The original scope had fit/finish/function problems as well as the optical issues.

The replacement scope only had optical issues.

I could never, with either of the Burris scopes, get as good resolution as I can with my little Nikon 3-9x40mm which does NOT even have A.O. In fact, the little Nikon is as good or better than my high dollar Leupolds.

Go figure!


PS: I even talked to the company president at the time and tried to explain the problems to him. His response was to tell me how hard it is to get and keep good employees and how they were trying very hard to produce a quality product,etc. etc-------.

I felt Sooooooo much better!

[/ QUOTE ]i am with you on the nikon being better than leupold i'm saleing my two 8.5x25x50 leupolds the glass sucks
<font color="blue">The problem with ALL companies today is that they sacrifice quality <u>everywhere they can</u> to extract every extra penny out of the paradigm - if they can get cheaper springs from China they will do it, and they will tell you the springs are just as good -- and they ain't -- and when you send your scope in for repairs all they do is give you a new set of cheap springs and tell you there was nothing wrong with the scope (Leupold famous tactic).

I have a Nikon 3-9 x 40 Pro Staff and that fricken lil inexpensive scope is so crystal clear it's frightening - and I can focus the crosshair <u>perfectly.</u> I am tempted to slap it on the 300WM and see if it can take the recoil only I am afraid that if it does I will feel really stupid for spending so much money on expensive glass over the years.</font>
Yeouch - feel for both you Guys. In the same position I would be spitting nails.

On the flip side - I have had very good luck with the couple FF2's that I've purchased. Held zero and dealt well with recoil to .375hh.

Agree that the Nikon glass is outstanding value for money.

Rgds Ian /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I have a Signature 8x32 on my S.S. Supply 220 Swift. I have had no problems with this glass and taken game out to 650. I have an 8.5 x 25 x 50 30mm on my 7STW Accumark, I think my old 6.5x20x40 is a nicer glass its on my big 30. One of my brightess scope...an older 4x12x50 NIKON!! but my 6.5 x 20 x 50 Zeiss is pretty awesome too!
My future glass will be Zeiss.
Had a Luepold do the exact thingafter I sent it to the custom shop for a bdc reticle. Shoot 8 rounds, and there would be two .5 groups about 1.5 inches apart. Talked to Jason Rice with Luepold customer service. Sent it directly to him. He walked it through and had it back to me within 3 days. It is perfect now. They have great customer service IMO. I Have a burris on my .50 encore. It isnt that bad, not my favorite, but is not terrible at all. It holds zero better than the Nikon that preceded it.
<font color="blue">Next time you suspect a rifle is shooting doubles -- losen the scope and roate it 90 degrees then retighten and shoot -- if your doubles rotate 90 degrees then you have your answer and you can send the targets to Leupold with a nice letter telling them to sart buying higher quality stronger springs</font>
I own 3 Burris, an 8X32X44 Signature, the 4.5X16X44 Fullfield with Ballistic plex reticle and a 4X for my 44Mag Desert Eagle. I'm happy with all three. My Signature have been in my 6MM Remington for over 12 years and never have any problem whatsoever. Clear as ever, even at 32X magnification. The Fullfield on the other hand is still fairly new so I'll see how it perform. The handgun scope, well it's the best. Sorry about you disappointment guys
I have several old Burris pistol scopes and a number of older Leupold rifle scopes I thought of selling, after reading this, I think I'll hang on to them all. Seems like quality manufacturing in the US is going out the window. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

<font color="blue">Cynicism is the madness of wisdom...

Like all good things, the people running these companies get fricken greedy, and they sacrifice quality and experienced-workers-wages to line their pockets.

No doubt Leupold was once top-shelf stuff – but it aint no more; now it's just high-priced mediocre stuff.

10-years ago I knew a few guys that would rave all day about Burris going so far as to insist they were better than Leupold. Burris now has the same problem as almost every company – greedy stuffed shirts running things, that probably don't even shoot. </font>
<font color="blue">I am planning on selling the XTR on eBAy AFTER Burris fixes the bad crosshair focus issue and the binding in the Parallax Adjustment knob.

I just don't know what the heck else to buy... I'd really like to try a Nikon Tactical but for $1,000.00 I'm not sure I would recoup my money if I wasn't happy and tried to sell it -- it's not like it's a very popular name in rifle scopes.</font>
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