Barrels, which manufacturer??


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Reilly Springs, TX
I have two rifles I have been thinking of re-barreling, however, I am wondering which barrel maker is the best to use? I have a custom gun built using a Brux #5 I like, but I hear Hart makes a great barrel as well, how do you decide which one to run with, the two rifles are for hunting, one is a Winchester 270 the other a Ruger M77 7mm Rem mag, I was going to keep them chambered in the same caliber, but upgrade the stock, trigger, and barrel.
I have two rifles I have been thinking of re-barreling, however, I am wondering which barrel maker is the best to use? I have a custom gun built using a Brux #5 I like, but I hear Hart makes a great barrel as well, how do you decide which one to run with, the two rifles are for hunting, one is a Winchester 270 the other a Ruger M77 7mm Rem mag, I was going to keep them chambered in the same caliber, but upgrade the stock, trigger, and barrel.
I use Bartlein, Krieger and Brux........Rich
I have used Shilen and am happy. A friend of mine used Bartlein on a 300WM I developed a load for, seemed very happy with that also. Seems there is a lot of good choices.
I have a Hart #5 spiral fluted on my 6.5 Sherman. Break in was easy with little to no copper fouling. It is very accurate and has shot all bullets well; from 140's to 160's. I also have a few Brux barrels and really like them as well. Don't think you can go wrong with either one.
It seems they are all good, but I don't hear anyone talking about Hart rifle barrels, anyone out there have any experience with them?
I have 700 rem action with a Hart Barrel in 7x57 IMP. I am very happy with accuracy and would use another Hart for a new rifle . I have heard that Shilen has changed management and the product is not as good as it was before. I have Shlen barreled .308 win and it shoots very too. I got the Shilen barrel from Midway USA.
I have a 338 edge with a Heart, and it bug holes. I have three rifles with kriegers they all bughole, I have chambered barrels from Brux, Bartlien,and X-caliber and they all indicated and machined really nice, I used Krieger's on three of mine because they had them in there inventory list and I had the barrels in a week.. Shoot when I started to dabble in the building( I am only a dabbler), I bought several Green mountain blanks and went to town and every one of those 100 dollar barrels shot very good, lol they only came in straight blanks and limited to 26 inch finished length then and I had to contour. They along with Heart are buttoned but they still broke in and shot very well.

I am sure there are guys here who chamber tons more than me that could tell us how many DUDS they get from different manufacturers.

I have a bad habit of buying the one I can get the soonest lol :) I start by looking at Kriegers inventory online then brunos or, or I call X-Caliber. I did get my heart stuff pretty Quik and will use them again too.
good luck
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Benchmark makes **** good barrels too, lots of the PRS shooters use them. Well respected in the rimfire arena too!
IMO none are better than another. But for hunting I would only consider those cut rifled.
Seems like they guys I hang around who comp shoot say the same thing.They say that button barrels are not as good for hunting. If you dont Mind, I would like to hear why that is, or have a conversation about cut vs button
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