ATACR Scope on Sporter Rifle?

Do you think that the NSX is too big on your Sporter??

Since my sporters are used for mid range hunting in tighter terrain under 600 yards, I prefer a lighter, smaller scope then the NXS. I personally like the NF 2.5x10x42 or a scope in a lighter, smaller package. The combination of a accurate turrets, great glass, and the velocity reticle make this scope a perfect balance and look on my Model 70 Super Grade.
Broz, on a Sporter rifle, are you saying that the ATACR won't seem much "bigger" or higher over the gun than an 8x22x50 NSX?

It is ALL about your personal needs and hunting regimen. For me, what I said was, I don't notice the difference between the NXS and ATACR as far as size and weight. And if I want to get all I can out of a rifle as far as long range capability is concerned I have no issues putting a NXS or ATACR on anything. However, the NXS would likely cover most all needs for a light barreled "sporter" rifle.

I love the ATACR and NXS. Had and ATACR on a 20lb. .338. The elevation knob is about the size of a beer can though ;) In my opinion NF doesnt make a "sporter" weight hunting scope. For most of us the thought of a 30-40 oz. scope is not even an option. The March has all the capabilities of the ATACR and more for 24 oz and a much more compact package. The March started life because the current options just did not hold perfect zero. We have used them in Benchrest for many years now, and they are proven. If you have issues you send them to March USA in Washington state.
Would you say that if you had an ATACR on your sporter and swapped it out for an NSX
that the NSX would seem that much smaller than the ATACR, or not that big a difference?
I've got both ATACRs and NXS scopes. I am very impressed by both scopes.

From the NF website:

ATACR 5-25x56: 39oz and 14.3" long
NXS 5-25x56: 32oz and 15.2" long
NXS 8-32x56: 34oz and 15.9" long

The only thing I don't like (and this is a VERY minor issue for me) is the height of the ATACR. I put on a cheek rest, and have no issues with the ATACR since. I live in SC and hunt from a stand, so weight is not an issue for me. I'm a firm believer in overkill, so I'm happy to lug around the ATACR when hunting.
After looking through both the ATACR and NXS side by side today, I'm sold on the ATACR. It was significantly better glass and much improved FOV over the NXS.

As said I here previously though is what struck me when the salesman opened the box was just how big of a scope it is. It seemed a leviathan of a thing. However it was so much better that I thought I have to have one.

At scrmblr

Just wondered why it would be any higher than the NXS with a 56mm obj? Surely the measurement of the obj bell would be the measurement determining height would it not?

Many thanks
Sorry bout that! I'm talking about the 50mm NSX, together with 30mm instead of 34m
Thanks. I compared the NXS and ATACR side by side and was instantly sold. It was like night and day with a much much improved FOV.

I pick it up on Friday. The only thing which will make my day better on Friday is if the UK vote out of the EU! Come on UK vote leave.
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And thank god, thank god that sense and justice have prevailed. We are a free, democratic nation once again. Thank god for our darling children and their darling children. What a great great day. Thank you Obama for helping our campaign of independence.
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