Are the prices ever coming down on components?!

Just go get a student loan and use it to fill your powder and primer room. Then you don't even have to PAY for it! You WOKE yet? While you're at it get some feed for the family pet squirrel and drive it home in the Subaru or the Nissan Leaf. 😜
Hey now I take offence to that J/K, I'm in my Subaru Crosstrek right now in the drive through of a Mexican food shop and going to eat some beef 😂. I know it should be a vegetarian shop, on earth day, while supporting the ASPCA, and wearing my Crocs, smelling of pajulie haha 😂.

Rest assured it is a gas powered car though and only chose it due to it performing best off-road and clearance in its class. Not quite on board with all they stand for, I'm a contradiction lol. I have to laugh when I get some of the Subaru owner emails.
Hey now I take offence to that J/K, I'm in my Subaru Crosstrek right now in the drive through of a Mexican food shop and going to eat some beef 😂. I know it should be a vegetarian shop, on earth day, while supporting the ASPCA, and wearing my Crocs, smelling of pajulie haha 😂.

Rest assured it is a gas powered car though and only chose it due to it performing best off-road and clearance in its class. Not quite on board with all they stand for, I'm a contradiction lol. I have to laugh when I get some of the Subaru owner emails.

I park my Forester in the back of my Superduty!
Is this hoarding or just being prepared????

The term hoarding is absurd. Good on you for taking care of yourself. I've got friends that gave me the berries for having 4K Lp storage. I'm a fool for "hoArding gas" but I save couple thousand a year not having to fill in winter when prices are high. Are people with savings accounts "money hoarders" that's not fair if u have more than me. Don't worry though ammunition, powder, primer prices won't matter in a few months we will b spending all our money on food and gas anyway.
As I have heard recently, "I'd believe a Bigfoot sighting, riding the LochNess monster on his way to an Elvis concert before I'd believe" the majority of people voted for this!

Lets go Brandon!
I agree, 150 percent of voters in NYC voted in the last election, not kidding. Problem is most media lies, worst inflation in 40 years, how often do you hear about it in news, Biden sticks his foot in his mouth everytime he speaks, nightly news doesn't cover it. USA makes 13 percent of of world pollution, rest of world is increasing pollution so even if we cut our pollution in half which will never happen is that 6 percent savings gonna save the planet or change the weather, and I'm not saying the planet needs saving but if it did 6 percent won't do anything, it's all about control and the less money and power you have the more power they have, Americans are suffering from these high prices, Biden doesn't care and your a fool if you voted for him, you just cut off your nose to spite your face.
Here's my take on it….Everything revolves around petroleum Biden cancels the pipeline.
Big oil gets together and decides OK Joe you want to get into a psn match? We know a little about politics too. Gas/Fuel production goes down prices go up. It costs the transportation of everything to go up, fuel costs again. Fast forward to Hunter money conspiracy finally comes to light. Big oil sits back and lets the corrupt media do the work for them, just like the Dems did to Trump, and big oil has made their point to DC. Brandon & company has no clue as how to deal with Putin and the domestic S**t storm they find themselves. IMHO …
Biden claims 9000 leases available for drilling but he doesn't tell you he put a dozen new regulations on drilling which basically makes it unprofitable to drill, he said he would do this before he was elected, nobody listened. I live in NYS, our governor is trying to stop any new built houses from having natural gas for heating by 2024, so now the gas companies will not put in gas lines for houses being built now, so now less houses available, prices go up again, good luck to first time home buyers, 7 more years till retirement, can't wait to leave this s hole of a state.
Supply & demand. We've had a pandemic, supply issues, and a lack of truckers conflicts in the world which all have helped make us so "gun shy" about anything, it's scary. We have a President that killed a pipeline from Canada, and canceled drilling in our country, in favor of begging the Arab nations and Venezuela to produce more oil. We've had riots in several areas of the country that have prompted a whole bunch of new shooters and prospective ammo purchasers. Simple economics says if I can make "X" dollars selling components or 5x dollars selling ammunition, any business exec worth his paycheck will opt for the ammo sales. I'm afraid the days of reasonably priced components are in the rearview mirror. About the only way, I save on reloading is with my handguns, at least I can cast my own projectiles. My 1st new car was a 66 Mustang which I paid under $7K, now transmissions costs that much.
Speaking of supply, when everything is electric won't the demand for electricity go up, wonder what it will do to the price?
This is ridiculous! Triple or quadruple on primers! Powder prices have at least doubled!
And this stuff sells out in seconds. As long as we line up like suckers and scream "please take my money" no matter the cost, these prices will never normalize. Get a decent amount that you actually "need" and stop hoarding people, please!
This is what happens when any industry or service becomes monopolized. Especially when they become servants of the federal government. These industries are no different than Facebook, Twitter, Google etc. Once they become a servant of the government we the people suffer the consequences.
Triple or quadruple on primers! Powder prices have at least doubled!
And this stuff sells out in seconds.

Supply and demand. The only reason prices are sky-high and remaining so is: there are people lined up around the block, at that price. Prices are unlikely to change until that aspect changes. And they shouldn't. After all, if Bob has a product that 50 people are clamoring for, and outbidding each other for, there's little reason Bob'd sell his product for anything less.

But, yeah, it's a pain. If failing to have stocked-up on an item, running out can be a very expensive proposition. Of course, a prime goal of having reloading stocks IS to weather the storm of non-availability if SHTF. Today's monkeyfest is an object lesson, if nothing else.

I'm glad so many new entrants exist, in the shooting sports. Good for them, for finally waking up. They'll thank us all, at some point, even if we never hear of it.

Primer prices are awful, right now. It's rare I see any primers in a shop. And, as many have noted, they sell out almost before they've finished stocking the shelf. On GunBroker, they're regularly going for $175-200 per 1000ct box, as compared to ~$35-45/bx a couple years ago.

Powder's bad, but seems to be improving. Still awful on auction websites (ie, GunBroker), but a lot of vendors have semi-reasonable pricing on the stuff. A nearby small shop has a couple dozen jugs of powder, often 2-3 jugs of fairly common stuff for rifle reloading ... at reasonable pricing. Yet, even those prices are up 25-30% on most powders, up from last year. Still, that beats the ~$75/lb + hazmat + shpg pricing that some vendors are charging. (Was lucky to pick up several 8lb jugs last year at estate sales before the pricing went sideways.)
Inflation is here to stay at least 2 to 3 years or until the Fed raises interest rates 7 times and we have a recession.


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We ran out of toilet paper as a nation just 2 years ago. Let that sink in a minute. Freaking toilet paper! So, I'm not real optimistic about component supplies, let alone prices for a good bit. If ever again.

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