Are the prices ever coming down on components?!


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2016
This is ridiculous! Triple or quadruple on primers! Powder prices have at least doubled!
And this stuff sells out in seconds. As long as we line up like suckers and scream "please take my money" no matter the cost, these prices will never normalize. Get a decent amount that you actually "need" and stop hoarding people, please!
This is ridiculous! Triple or quadruple on primers! Powder prices have at least doubled!
And this stuff sells out in seconds. As long as we line up like suckers and scream "please take my money" no matter the cost, these prices will never normalize. Get a decent amount that you actually "need" and stop hoarding people, please!
NOPE, not coming down anytime soon! This is the new normal.

There was an optimist (I'd pray he was right) that used to reply to all the posts like this saying it's just another election year and it always happens like this, and to stop panicking. Haven't seen him post that in a while though lol.

FAR from a normal election year and shortage. Things aren't getting better price wise, for anything. Especially powder/primers/bullets/food/lumber/gas/natural gas/vehicles etc…or anything else necessity or luxury….. Awesome huh?

This is apparently what the majority of Americans wanted that voted for all this 😅. I just hope they're happy with how much better off they are now, and how much less chaotic their lives are vs the Previous 4 years. 🤔

So yes just line up and hand them a blank check and be happy, IF it can be found. 😃

(*Disclaimer; some obviously aren't getting that I'm being sarcastic about people actually wanting this outcome and them being better off, even though this is what the supposed "Majority" voted for. This was so obvious to forecast. Just like most of us knew gas prices were going to skyrocket again once they got back in office. No big surprise)
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Prices ate
Going to be going up not down this isn't looking like a pause anymore people ha e paid unless everyone stops buying.
Doubtful considering everything has steadily gone up and government keeps spending. We're atleast a couple years from prices dropping without a serious recession happening
Well...with Putin buying gold at above American dollar prices and that causing the ruble and yuan to deflate the dollar value...we are all going to lose.....
He's also making it hard on the oil buyers..making them pay in rubles or gold...he is taking the gold.....
and most of US metal comes from Russia and china.........
This is ridiculous! Triple or quadruple on primers! Powder prices have at least doubled!
And this stuff sells out in seconds. As long as we line up like suckers and scream "please take my money" no matter the cost, these prices will never normalize. Get a decent amount that you actually "need" and stop hoarding people, please!
Only if we stop buying

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