A good accurate concealed carry pistol

Bad guys(gangs) are 4 or more. Your 6 shooters may last 3 seconds or less.
I gotta ask…..when was the last time any of us were attacked by a street gang? I suspect that while true that rarely do 4 or more attack as a group or stick around to see when my j frame runs out of ammo. If it does, they have a few seconds to get up on me because even moon clips are a bit slow!
At the scene...you have the right to remain silent....."USE IT!" ask for your lawyer at the station make your statement, have your lawyer do a picture and condition inventory of all your property , including firearms and ammunition, magazines and make sure that he gets the receipt signed by the property clerk and investigating officers.

Go thru reputable bail bondsman, if needed and hopefully it won't take a year or more for them to come to a conclusion and every time they want to talk to you, I want counsel present...

Also, if the cops ask you if you want to "press charges" against the perp, you just opened yourself up to a real can of worms.
Mike, as a rule, they arrest...period. They may charge you or not, but you are going to jail at the very least.

You are correct on the insurance, but the training is worth something. There are other forms of a type of "insurance", but I can not put my hands on the information at this time.
Vince that isn't the default in Texas. They will confiscate your weapon but many self defense shooting cases have not resulted in any arrests on scene. The Grand Jury will determine whether evidence exists to pursue indictment.
Vince that isn't the default in Texas. They will confiscate your weapon but many self defense shooting cases have not resulted in any arrests on scene. The Grand Jury will determine whether evidence exists to pursue indictment.

Thankfully……Texas is one of the better states to live in! Hopefully, it stays that way. memtb
I gotta ask…..when was the last time any of us were attacked by a street gang? I suspect that while true that rarely do 4 or more attack as a group or stick around to see when my j frame runs out of ammo. If it does, they have a few seconds to get up on me because even moon clips are a bit slow!
I may be a bit biased but a snub nose revolver with a concealed (or shrouded) hammer is a gun I will never be without. Conceals very well in a front pocket holster. You can grip it and be ready to draw in the blink of an eye and no one is the wiser. Always have my LCR in the front pocket while at home, going to get gas, grocery store, you name it.
Down here unless there is gross negligence on your part like shooting someone in the back who is running away you are not getting arrested. If it's a clear case of self defense the da's often don't even send it to grand jury.
Looking for another pistol to carry. I've always been a 1911 40-45 guy but keeping them concealed isn't easy lol. Just looking to see what some of you suggest.
Like I said earlier I carry a G23 but a 1911 isn't out of the realm of possibilities depending on body size/ type and where you want to carry it.
Be like my Grandmother in Mesic Michigan, had one of those heavy solid samsonite like granny purses. Would carry it around in a praying mantas kind of mode, nestled inside was a Mk. VI Webley with 220 full profile wadcutters. 2 options she could shoot you or club you into submission with the bag.

Wouldn't think it, but she was fast and accurate getting it out and firing .

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