7.5 inch barreled blackout pistol for deer?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
Catlett, VA
I'm wanting to build a blackout pistol with a 7.5 inch barrel. I already have the parts for it and hopefully will be putting it together before too long. What are your recommendations for what ammo I should use for deer? Also, what kind of distance should I expect to be able to drop deer reliably with this set up. I have a primary arms microdot sight for it also.
Here's the barrel I'm using.
Good morning,
I have built a handful of 300 Blk. 71/2-16 in barrels. Have shot a couple hogs with one also. My opinion on a bullet for this combo on game is the 125 Ballistic tip. Lighter bullets at a higher velocity (relatively speaking) have been better for me than heavier and slower. Essentially it is a hot loaded 357 mag with a sleeker bullet. My hunting with a dot scope is limited to short range stand hunting. 100 yds is stretching this combo for me.
Has anybody used the Hornady 110gr V-MAX? With the short barrel it would be going a bit slower and I am wondering if this wouldn't keep it from fragmenting without an exit. ?
Not the 110 v max, but Noslers version.

I shot one doe at around 75-80 yards with one. Mine was out of a 10" barrel, I don't remember the velocity but I can't imagine it being much different then that of a 7.5" barrel. Anyway, she didn't drop right away, and I'm not sure how far she would have went. As soon as I shot, she took of and got tangled in the horse fence, about 10 yards from where she stood when i shot. I put one more in her and that did her in instantly. Upon field dressing, I'm confident in using that bullet for future use if I need too.
However I think the next time I hunt with it I'm going to give the 168 Nosler AB LONG RANGE a try. They shoot just a hair better and heavier, supposed to expand down to 1300fps. That's what I have loaded in it right now, as it sits in my closet in case of something going bump in the night.
Use barnes 110tac-tc ammo or bullet specificly designed for 300bo g I'm not a huge barnes fan, but man- they got thos bullet spot on perfect for the 300bo. It expands easily at 300bo speeds , it is very accurate in factory loaded ammo and even better handloaded. It's very hard to beat

My handloads pushes it at 2150 from an 8.5" pistol. (Bullet # 30811) has a minimum rated expansion threshold of 1400 fps so that would be about 350 yards-- watch the energy levels though-- just remember you are looking at "pistol" energy number levels
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That's pretty normal, they are hard to find-- might be near impossible due to panic buying right now-- if you can back order some I'd do it

At those lower speeds you need cutting edges and large diameter as you wont have much hydrostatic shock -- put them in the vitals and they work. Stay in the ear for hogs -- gotta hit brain matter to kill those buggers
This will mostly be for deer. I haven't been able to get my hands on any ammo for it yet. Seems like everything is bought up. I would like to reload for it at some point but I was really hoping to be able to find some decent ammo and shoot it then load for it after that.
We used a little 16.5 in Blackout in a tc for a few years with my kids. We found that the 130 grain TSX bullets did not open reliable. We had to stay with the 110 grain Barnes to get reliable expansion and kills. Keep your shots close. I know you already have your parts but will tell you from experience that a 12.5 in 6.5 Grendel or 6.8 SPC is a more reliable killer


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Thanks. I'm somewhat worried about being able to kill deer out to 150 yards. I'm curious what your experience was like. Any stories?
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