338 AM assembled, pics....

Just started the barrel break in this morning, this will not take long. Only three rounds down the tube and there simply is no copper fouling to mention after a few strokes with a bronze brush and some butches bore shine.

The load I am using is 145 gr of H-50BMG under the 300 gr SMK seated 50 thou off the lands and lit with a Fed-215 primer.

Average velocity has been 3455 fps for those three shots. This load is a full 5 grains under my set max load so I would guess 3500 fps will not be much of a problem.

Just another tid bit.

Kirby Allen(50)
thanks for the tidbit kirby, now I now how the squirrels in the park feel when ya throw them an empty p-nut hull!!!!
LETS SEE SOME GROUPS!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
darn, where's the slobberin smiley when ya need it!
Currently my barrel break in process is to walk out of the shop and shoot into my big cotton wood stump. Then head back in and clean the rifle while working some more in the shop.

Wind is about 25 mph today so keeping the cleaning equipment where I want it would be more of a challange then I want to deal with today.

Groups will be coming soon.

Also need to ream out my 338 AM Comp seating die as well. YOu would all laugh if you knew what I am currently using to load ammo for this big girl!!!

Kirby Allen(50)
Acually I would love to hear how you have been assembling your ammo. I would agree w/ you Kirby about the Dave posting. I have not posted much on this site but I love to see and read what you and GG have been doing lately. Please keep us posted, I have a change in rifles coming up and would like you to do the work. Again Thank you for your dedication.
What is the H2o capacity of the 338 AM? That is smoking for a 300g SMK cant wait to see how fast it will shot a 350g
"darn, where's the slobberin smiley when ya need it! "

Roy , this is your job ! Get this man a slobbering smiley . Or your pay is going to be drastically reduced .( as in no more free disposable chronographs )

Jim B.

That 338 AM is very impressive to say the least.
I am getting the itch....

I sent you an email.


Crow Mag,

will figure the h20 capacity and post it here in a bit, away from my computer at the moment.

I think if I can get my heavier striker spring in the bolt the primer cratering will go away and even more peformance will be available but not nessesarily needed.

Extraction is a dream up to 152 gr of H-50BMG under the 300 gr SMK and there is just a hint of an extractor mark on the case head at this load level. Primer pockets have stayed tight no matter what I have pushed the loads to so far.

Still very early in testing obviously, more to come soon.

Kirby Allen(50)


There'll be a lot of guys drooling over the latest APS creation. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I am really sorry guys. That was not my intention. I just got excited when I saw Fifty's rifle. I didn't mean to make anybody mad. I didn't know that putting info about my rifle, and the builder, would offend people. I am sorry Fifty, I didn't mean to give someone else a plug, and I guess I didn't realize that your post was for advertising purposes. I will try to be more careful next time. Once again, I am very very sorry!!!


No one is mad, I know this was totally unintentional and anyone that knows me from LRH knows I am pretty slow to get mad, once I get there though.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif!!

Not mad at all, just pointing out some simple posting ethics type stuff.

No one is mad about you posting information about your rifle in anyway, in fact we all want to hear about it more, sounds like a great rifle. We also like to know who put the rifles together so we all know who knows their stuff and who does not. It helps all of us out.

That is why you really need to start a post specifically about your 338 project and give us all the details you can, PICS included!!!

I am not mad at you in any way, just pointing something out that I know was unintentional the way it may have cone off on the post.

Please put up a post about your hammer, I personally am very interested in hearing about it and want to see how it performs for you which I suspect will be extremely well, Dave is a great smith and you WILL be happy with the finished rifle.

To that end, those of us that build rifles need this word of mouth advertisement to keep our business going. I appreciate that as much as anyone and I know Dave does as well.

Just start a post speicifically about your rifle and give Dave the full credit he deserves byt doing that.

No hard feeling, no reason to be sorry, all is well and nothing to worry about!!!!

Have a great day and post some pics of that rifle when you get her done /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif!!

Kirby Allen(50)
Crow Mag,

When figured on Load From A Disk, here is the water capacities of several other 338 magnums and my 338 AM.

I list the others because often I have found these predictions to be a bit different then real life but they do seem to be consistant with each other capacity wise so that you can compare to other capacities.

338 Win Mag..................84 gr
338 RUM......................108 gr
338 Lapua....................115 gr
338-378 Wby..................126 gr
338 Excalibur................137 gr

338 Allen Mag................172 gr

This give a pretty decent idea of capacity in comparision to other large 338 magnums.

Kirby Allen(50)
Goodgrouper would like this as a companion for his Thunder .338 which is no tinkertoy.
old bear
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