1600B Leica question


Jul 16, 2013
My Leicas barometer is off. How does one calibrate it??? It is hovering around 26 and should be around 29-30. According to local weather and my kestrel. I believe that 26 is a sea level calibration? Any help out there?
Sea level is 29.92. I don't know if any of that is adjustable and the user manual does not address that. The instructions say for accurate temperature readings you must give the tool 30 minutes when going from warm to cold etc. That should not affect the barometer though but who knows. If it does not jive with an accurate barometer I would send it back for repairs.
Thanks for the input. i assumed sea level was 26 because my kestrel was at that when it thought it was at sea level. now that I think about it, it makes sense to be lower at altitude before I calibrated. I can't find anything in the manual either. Nobody mentions it in web search either.
So now I am really confused weather app says kestrel is correct(29-30). We are at 4300 asl at the range. Leica still says 26ish. Somebody explain please
The Leica 1600 displays station pressure or absolute pressure. At my altitude I'm doubtful I will see any readings around 29+(baro pressure=station or absolute pressure adjusted for altitude). I'm more inclined to see station pressure readings in the lower 20's.
So now I am really confused weather app says kestrel is correct(29-30). We are at 4300 asl at the range. Leica still says 26ish. Somebody explain please

Most Kestrel read barometric pressure, unless altitude is set to 0. Weather data will also most likely be barometric pressure readings. Your 26ish sounds about right for absolute pressure at 4k+ feet. Again, barometric pressure=station or absolute pressure adjusted for altitude.
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