CRF Controlled Round Feed


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2024
I know this topic is beaten to death.

I can't wrap my head around how I have been reading/shooting firearms for 14 years and the bolt action feeding design is just on my radar now???

Naive is the word.

I'm all for "lifetime" guns you can trust your life to. I don't care for a "bunch of OK guns". I want a good one I can make memories and use for YEARS = A LIFETIME of use. Which is all revelant. I mean a rifle you can take and put 100 rounds a year through and then take hunting for a season, sometime only firing a handful of shots. I never really thought about it but if I'm shooting a 7mm @ 2800fps and I get to shoot that much (that would be a lot for me) will I need a barrel in my lifetime? Idk.

I got to wonder though if I go on a new rifle quest.....I'm looking for a Stainless Working Gun, does that leave me with the Win Model 70 as the only CRF option???????

Is CRF that important?

Or do I run a Ruger M77 or a Browning A-Bolt. Am I naive to expect either of those to last a lifetime?

From what I see this is THE FORUM to ask these questions and I am pretty excited to be here. Thanks for having me.
I read the 1992 model year and up M70 CLASSIC variation rifles are revised CRF. But is this the kind where I read the bottom of the bolt is milled away which takes away from the whole purpose????
CRF is a feature that makes sense with big (think dangerous game) rounds. In todays world you will probably never run into a problem with a push-feed. I have both and use both regularly. never had an issue with crf (multiple ruger m77's) or push-feed (weatherby vanguard/win model 670) in my western hunting experience. Buy the rifle you feel most comfortable with unless you are afraid of a doulbe feed and plan to shoot from an upside down position regularly.
I read a story on here earlier where the the guy reloaded too fast under bear attack and the gun ripped the rim off so they changed to CRF

My chance of being attacked by a black bear is probably pretty slim but I hunt an area of very high population with a dozen different bears active on the trail cams so who knows???
I don't think an attack would occur normal walking around/hunting but maybe if I had to camp out for the night.....I could see one possibly coming into camp from the scent of whatever I had to eat to keep my belly full over my fire
I would think the CRF would be more likely to do that, given the fact that its a hard mechanical extraction rather than a plunger style but I could be mistaken with that idea.
No, all the M77's are CRF, a mauser design weather its a tang safety, MKII or Hawkeye. The Ruger American is a push-feed.
No, the Tangers are push feed with a claw extractor that snaps over the rim once the cartridge is in the chamber. OP is correct. The reason Ruger made a MKII was to make it a true CRF.
Current day push feeds are just as reliable as CRF, despite what the internet says. Evert mechanical system can fail, but modern designs are good. Owned both kinds and never had a problem with either.
I have both, win M70 CRF, rem, wby push feed, use both, never had any issues with either. I am sure some with more expertise will chime in

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