How many run dash cameras?

The prob with dash camera for me is when they record my verbal opinions of someone's driving.🤔
They wouldn't want to hear me!😬 I think the CrackerJack must be Billionaires by now, with everbody buying them to get their drivers licenses inside the box.😅
A year ago or so, I had a drive run at signal light and hit my pickup. No damage, cut her attorney called me, and stated anybody saw the wreck and left a name. All I could say is no. End of conversation. Now I have a cam on board.
I've had them in my daily driver and our Bus for 10+ years, never have legally needed them, but they are a cheap insurance policy in case things go wrong...............

btw, since most of them loop record, you can always provide just the loop of evidence you want to ..........
Until the PO PO secures your vehicle, serves a warrant on it, seizes the camera, collects all the current and old data. The court in a civil case serves a subpeona to obtain same info the camera contains. They dont get into the meta data, and all the internal files, unless it is sent into forensics to dig through it. Then it all becomes public record anyone can get including scub bag money sucking attorneys.
Alaska is essentially the west coast on ice when it comes to drug policy, commuting the highway between homer an anchorage makes for some crazy crash stories. That was the prime motivator for the dash cam, troopers figure as much as 1/4 of the traffic after about 10pm is high, drunk or stoned. Gotta play frogger with them.... might as well get it on tape.
Doctor buddy got t boned. Other vehicle ran red light.

Other driver gets out of vehicle and starts blaming my buddy.

My buddy is cool and calm and calls his lawyer... lawyer shows up and mentions the dash cam footage. Other driver gets real quiet and apologizes. He was off duty cop in a small town that you wouldn't think would try to bully another driver into fault.... but he tried.

Don't let anyone know you have a dash cam except your lawyer.
They are worth their weight in gold. I got one for each of our vehicles after a buddy was sent to the hospital from a head on. He had zero memory of the accident or how it happened. The other driver claimed it was my buddies fault, and actually came to the hospital to see my buddy. Guy got there as the police we taking the statements. My buddy told police to get dash cam out of truck, and other driver heard this. He actually called his son and told him to get to the wrecker yard and steal dash cam, but police beat him to it. Dash cam showed other driver, come across center line and hit my buddy head on. My buddy was in a s10 pickup, other guy was in an expedition. After the video was viewed by experts, showed that the other driver was looking down before impact. Medical record showed this guy had experienced multiple fainting spells and was doctor ordered to stop driving, but still had his license.

My buddy still has pain in his right leg and ankle (they were crushed) but at least he was not blamed for the accident as other driver tried to do.

As for brands, they are all very similar. Depending on your vehicle and age, a front and rear facing camera might be right (normally better for kids and young drivers) and I use forward facing with crash detection and mine turn on and off with the truck, but in busy parking lots, I back in and leave camera running.
I have no dash cam info but I am curious about the "weird experience". My Brother in law a Cal Trans employee and snow plow driver once recorded a very strange creature crawling on all 4 legs but unlike anything he has ever seen. Said it was so human like and scared the crap out of him so he took the dash cam to his supervisor, they destroyed the video and told him not to tell anyone. Weird I thought... Jason
Alaska is essentially the west coast on ice when it comes to drug policy, commuting the highway between homer an anchorage makes for some crazy crash stories. That was the prime motivator for the dash cam, troopers figure as much as 1/4 of the traffic after about 10pm is high, drunk or stoned. Gotta play frogger with them.... might as well get it on tape.
So Road Warrior on ice. Is that a new Disney project?

Madmax GIF by Joanie Lemercier
Not even that interesting... it's 90% of the time an early 2000s chevy with body damage and a slayed sticker in the window with a headlight out. Usually passing at 90 in the left lane north of Soldotna. They usually screw up the merge or hit a berm and do the offroad cartwheel. It must be a rite of passage for young men in that area, in addition to multiple baby mamas to go with the drug addiction. Usually emerge from the wreckage just as daze and confused as they went in...

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