"Joelene R"


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Wilmington NC
Say Joelene,

What is this rumor I hear about you, Bob, and a "double post" bed?:cool:

Inquiring minds want to know!!

Naughty, Naughty:D

Guess who told me? It is the one you would not think by the way!

Alright BH, I'll bite... And set the record straight..

Some time ago, a well known person with the first name of Bob, stopped by the house with a few friends. He wanted to show them my game room/office. As we passed the bedroom, he was quite enamored with my wife's selection of furniture.
Apparently, he told a few others about the furniture in the bedroom, and now we have troublemakers like you very interested in the story.. :rolleyes:

There's only one place where that came from.
First off, fat chance you have of setting the record straight!

I understand that is your "cover story", and good one by the way.

I was really concerned yesterday when the story was being told. I was getting the 'colorized" version from GB and that is not like her to stretch the truth unless it is true you know! She is pure as the driven snow, so I had to put validity to it. Of course, there is an arguement to be made reference her sanity, just by the company she keeps.

By the way, guess what CD you are getting for your birthday?:rolleyes: It has your favoritie song on it.

Just so we are clear, do not be putting any funny finishes on my stock either, just because your story is out.

i guess i'm gonna have to ask what the "Paul Harvey" version is?

sense i know who GB is of course i would believe that story before "Joelenes"
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Must be kind of like when my wife got to gether with a friend and decided the bed needed ruffles. All the way around. Even on my side.:rolleyes:

BTW, where's the pics????????? Huh??????:D

Must be kind of like when my wife got to gether with a friend and decided the bed needed ruffles. All the way around. Even on my side.:rolleyes:

BTW, where's the pics????????? Huh??????:D

Always had ya figured for a ruffles kinda guy, wouldn't by chance have some pretty pink flowers on your pillow case.:)
What ever it takes to make em happy!! Real men don't concern themselves with that crap. Long as I get to do a couple hunts each year I'm real flexible with the decorating.
Ol' JR has a beautiful house, two great sons and a gorgeous wife--actually always kinda wondered what she saw in him, think she coulda done awhole lot better for herself. Plus at least one good friend (me), who's always ready to listen to his BS stories--do I have a choice!!!:rolleyes:
You boys sure are having fun with this..

Let me see if I have this right:

BH; Who has your stock, and who do you want to spray it with auto clear and make it shine?

Wilson; who do you always call when you need a "fix" to talk about ballistics or hunting?

Philny1; who invited you to hunt with them in Alaska last year? Carried your rifle up the mountain. If I remember correctly, you shot a **** nice Dall Sheep at 600 yards. And who invited you to go back this year?

You guys should be treating me a little nicer..:D
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