Policing our own…classifieds


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
Minus negative feedback, which I don't know is truly a punishment, is there anything that long range forum does to police its members? I know Len is very big on honesty, integrity, and treating eachother with respect. I would assume this transfers to classifieds as well?

I've been on 3 forums for over 20 years combined and have bought and sold ooooooodles of items. I've NEVER had a negative transaction. I sold some bullets on here that got lost in the mail, I refunded the member immediately and ate 120 dollars. I had a box show up damaged with some goods missing, I refunded the member partially for the lost items. In both cases I did nothing wrong, but it was the right thing to do, so I did it!

A couple weeks back I bought a prime bow off here. A 20 year member was "selling for a buddy". I sent a money order and followed up to make sure communication stayed excellent. The bow showed up and I immediately noticed an issue with the string. New bows comes with a piece of yarn that spreads the strings to make sure the peep gets installed evenly.

On this bow that piece of yarn was burned flush with the string, not sure why, but it was the first thing I noticed because I looked to see if that piece of yarn was still there…it's a good indication of a truly new bow.

I immediately took pictures and put it in the bow press. When I pressed it and the tight string relaxed one of tue strings that make up the bow string was broken. I reached out to the seller immediately with pictures. He said "I didn't look at it that closely" by my buddy (turns out to be his BIL) said it was "NIB".

I told him I understand and I'll find the cheapest option. I took it to the pro shop and they said it's not shootable and don't even draw it back. They quoted 120+ install. I got online and found the cheapest option was about 90 bucks, with a bunch in the 200-300 range. I reached out to the seller and he said "the saying you get what you pay for comes to mind." We went back and forth a couple times and he told me to kick rocks. Is 90 bucks going to break me??? Nope, but the principal of the deal really rubs me the wrong way, not to mention I wouldn't have bought the bow for 690, he had it listed for 750 for a couple weeks with zero action.

I know every issues has 2 sides but this one is pretty cut and dry. Do admins get involved in these situations? Is it a scam? Nope, but is this a member I'd deal with again or suggest anybody deal with? Absolutely not!

I tried to PM Len but didn't have any luck yet.
I included a stock pick tire of what the yarn looks like on a new bow, a picture of the bow with the burner yarn when I received it, you can see the rough string from being melted and lastly a picture of the broken string fiber when the bow was pressed to instal the peep and a closeup of the string with the burned yarn and the melted bow string. Like I said, pretty cut and dry deal.


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I feel your pain. If it was me, I would not only post negative feedback in the specific forum, but also start an independent thread that names the 'perpetrator' and explains the situation. You could use this thread if you wanted. That way a future search by a potential buyer would turn him up and he's likely done as a seller or buyer.
I don't know how you would address this other than negative feedback. Would you expect them to be booted off the forum? There are always two sides, but feedback is what keeps online transactions good. I would put in negative feedback. You notified of an issue: the solution should be a refund or adjustment offered....they said kick rocks.
I don't know how you would address this other than negative feedback. Would you expect them to be booted off the forum? There are always two sides, but feedback is what keeps online transactions good. I would put in negative feedback. You notified of an issue: the solution should be a refund or adjustment offered....they said kick rocks.

That's the question. On feedback it doesn't even show whether it's positive or negative, you have to click on it then click on selling and buying transactions. Unless I am using it incorrectly.

Would anybody else want to deal with this seller? I assume the answer would be a resounding NO. We're sending money to strangers in hopes they do the right thing. I would think knowing that NOT doing the right thing would lead to a ban from the forum might help steer people down the righteous path.
That's the question. On feedback it doesn't even show whether it's positive or negative, you have to click on it then click on selling and buying transactions. Unless I am using it incorrectly.

Would anybody else want to deal with this seller? I assume the answer would be a resounding NO. We're sending money to strangers in hopes they do the right thing. I would think knowing that NOT doing the right thing would lead to a ban from the forum might help steer people down the righteous path.

It shows positive or negative, though you do have to drill into it to see the details.

I rely extensively on feedback before making a choice to buy.
I agree with mongo4567. I always look at feedback and yes you can give positive,neutral or negative. You can also explain the negative feedback. This is the best route at this point.
Ok thanks! Some forums have a % that visible when you click on their name…if it's not 100% I move on. I wasn't sure if this forum had that but it doesn't sound like it.

I guess it just chaps my *** that someone can do that and beside hopefully feeling bad about themselves, which I assume people willing to do that don't feel bad, there's nothing I can do!!
Yup, I always look at someone's feedback before purchasing OR selling. It limits how much you can type, but you can leave several entries to get the entire story out. Just try to put out a detailed and unbiased statement as to how your transaction went down, and on the "positive", "nuetral" or "negative", put your personal feelings with that one selection. That way if the seller tries to appeal it with admin, it will likely still stick. If someone started putting angry personal attacks on feedback (not saying you would, just making a general statement) then the feedback would likely get taken down.

A person that got burned still showing enough self control to maintain a level of grace while speaking of their negative experience goes a long way. It shows that even while the buyer was an agreeable person in a bad situation, the other side of the transaction still refused to work with them.
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Defiantly put in the feed back section. That is what we go by when looking to make a purchase/Trade/or sale. A person that will burn someone else doesn't just do it one time. When a LRH member is selling/trading something on LRH even though they are doing for a friend they are responsible just like if it was their item.
Sorry that happened to you and as far as the other LRH member-well if you post this with their name-no other LRH member will buy/trade with them.
Defiantly put in the feed back section. That is what we go by when looking to make a purchase/Trade/or sale. A person that will burn someone else doesn't just do it one time. When a LRH member is selling/trading something on LRH even though they are doing for a friend they are responsible just like if it was their item.
Sorry that happened to you and as far as the other LRH member-well if you post this with their name-no other LRH member will buy/trade with them.
I have zero issue posting names, just not sure if that's allowed.

And I agree, my gut told me that the whole "selling for a buddy" and MO only might bite me in the butt, luckily it was only for 90 bucks and not for the whole deal!
I dont know about the rest of you, but selling something on here seems to cause me the most stress. I always try and "over" post information and pictures, but I would never want to be thought of as a scammer in any way. Our good reputation is really all we have. Although I don't believe selling items should be the primary goal on here, It is nice to be able to help people out on occasion, or clean out items that aren't used anymore. I have had a dozen or more transactions since I joined, and fortunately everyone I have dealt with has been awesome. I have had the occasional "I'll take it" and then never heard from them again, but at least nobody was out anything.