Go ahead poke away ...

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This is what I realized. I don't think we realize how powerful our words are no matter our intentions. I have been guilty of spilling words out without really thinking. I have eat my boot a few times trying to get my foot out of my mouth.

The one question I will never ask again " maam when is your baby due"




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Not saying this has happened to me. I get along with everyone (I think). But do you get a warning if someone reports you? Is there a rebuttal or you evaluate it based on the entire thread as opposed to one post that could be out of context?

Whether I come upon a post by myself or through a REPORT,
  • there may be no action
  • there may be a warning
  • or there may be a ban without a warning.

In the case of bad pix or language, context isn't going to be a mitigating issue, obviously.

In the case of roudyness or other conflict, I try to understand context but I can't spend a lot of time on it so there is a risk......

Whether I come upon a post by myself or through a REPORT,
  • there may be no action
  • there may be a warning
  • or there may be a ban without a warning.

In the case of bad pix or language, context isn't going to be a mitigating issue, obviously.

In the case of roudyness or other conflict, I try to understand context but I can't spend a lot of time on it so there is a risk......

Thanks Len
This is what I realized. I don't think we realize how powerful our words are no matter our intentions. I have been guilty of spilling words out without really thinking. I have eat my boot a few times trying to get my foot out of my mouth.

The one question I will never ask again " maam when is your baby due"


...but if you slip....and she says, "Usayin' I'm fat?",... you say, "why no mame, you just have this special glow about you."
Don't mean to be rude, but some of y'all are starten to sound like a libtard. They believe if they don't like what's being said they silence the speaker. I strongly support the 2nd amendment, but I also strongly support the 1st.

Don't mean I don't believe in being a gentleman. Doesn't mean I like everything said. However, I see very little difference in stiffling free speach and banning guns.
This is what I realized. I don't think we realize how powerful our words are no matter our intentions. I have been guilty of spilling words out without really thinking. I have eat my boot a few times trying to get my foot out of my mouth.

The one question I will never ask again " maam when is your baby due"


Wow ,wisdom continues I think alot of us including (ME)....have eaten a boot or two and maybe took a long time chewing to realize it was your own boot hopefully we didn't eat all the way till we could enjoy a sweaty SOCK....lol
I find it interesting after a dozen years on this site and others as well that the only time you hear mention of the 1st Amendment is when it is used to rationalize disruptive, rude, or illicit behavior. Len has every "right" to run a successful business. If a few poorly behaved individuals result in the alienation of of constructive members, potentially effecting the reputation and heath of his site, policies and corrective actions on the part of Len are fully justified. If you don't like them, you have the "right" to leave. Trying to imply patriotism, by touting the "Rights" in the shadow of poor behavior is lame. IMO....
Don't mean to be rude, but some of y'all are starten to sound like a libtard. They believe if they don't like what's being said they silence the speaker. I strongly support the 2nd amendment, but I also strongly support the 1st.

Don't mean I don't believe in being a gentleman. Doesn't mean I like everything said. However, I see very little difference in stiffling free speach and banning guns.

That's a great example of the problem right there. Somebody states that there's a lack of civility and tact, so the response is name calling? It's deliberately inflammatory and really doesn't have a positive impact on the conversation.
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