Jetboil fuel canister

I bought one can of the Coleman version to try at Walmart, and ordered two cans of the Jetboil from Amazon. The Coleman says it may not work as well in cold temps. Wonder how altitude affects it?
You can buy fuel that is formulated for the cold. I had no problems with mine in Colorado at 9000'. I put fuel in my sleeping bag at night. It worked just fine.
Something else you can use there that just as good in my opinion is the Kelly Kettle. Look it up on Amazon or EBay. I have both of them and like them equally.
Funny you mention that. I already have one! I have their base camp model. Weight and bulk are keeping me from taking it on this trip. I think the Jetboil will fit the need better, now that I have found the fuel. I'm restricted on the amount of weight I can bring, and am looking to trim anywhere I can.
Jetboils are bomb but if altitude is where you are hunting, best to go white gas. Jetboils/compressed fuel isn't as reliable at higher elevations 10,000 plus.

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