Recent content by WhiteMtnCur

  1. W

    Reticle on the First Focal Plane?

    What scopes have a mil-dot/ballistic plex style reticle in the first focal plane? I know the Weaver Tactical does, as well as the Schmidt & Bender's. But what other brands of scopes have this feature?
  2. W


    Sorry about the late post here, didn't see this topic until just now. Because of my work through predator control, I have done an extensive amount of night hunting of coyotes, most of it for predator control purposes. I have yet to find any night vision equipment that has come close to meeting...
  3. W

    CO Hunt Units

    I work predator control for a ranching association in Colorado GMU 10. I lived there for the last two years. I have to say that in working all over northwest Colorado West of Craig, mostly north of Highway 40, Unit 10 has got to be the top as far as gross potential for trophy bucks goes. The...