Recent content by stompbox

  1. stompbox

    Vortex Razor HD AMG

    We just got in one of the MOA AMG's. I took it outside and viewed some object ranging from 150-700 yards. Great clarity and resolution, sharp image from edge to edge. I have two of the 5-20 Razors and two of the 4.5-27 Gen II's and I can't wait to get one of these for myself, it is very a...
  2. stompbox

    Hello from Sunny Minnesota

    Hello, I grew up and still live in Minnesota. My dad had me shooting before I could ride a bike and that is the one passion that I still have. Shooting that is , not bikes. Shot my first squirrel when I was six with a single shot 22 LR and have loved hunting ever since. I do a lot of deer...