Recent content by Slashhavoc

  1. S

    Looking for a sweet prairie dog killer

    I have a couple 204s up for sale. One is a Carey Custom ar15 Upper with a Stainless Shileen bull barrel. It slays the dogs. Also have a like new Ruger American in a Magpul hunter stock with the Magpul AiCS mag. Email works best if you want pics.
  2. S

    Sportsman's Warehouse to sell to BPS!

    Disappointing indeed. The post mentioning the reduced quality of offerings at Cabelas is spot on...
  3. S

    New in MS

    USPSA mostly, distance shooting when land makes it available. Enjoy learning about everything
  4. S

    How did you find us here at

    Stumbled across via when looking for a firearm. Snooped a bit and realized it was a site worth being apart of...
  5. S

    New in MS

    New member here in Mississippi. Looking forward to the experience! Interests span several types of shooting.
  6. S

    prairie dog hunt this spring/summer locations?

    Late to the this thread, however, I would recommend checking out Q Creek Ranch in Wyoming. Fantastic Lodge, Plenty of doggies near and far...