
A hardened and shameless scribbler of historic nonsense, who for more than thirty years has taken his meals in front of his laptop, astride his saddle, or beside the campfire.

James M. Volo, PhD. has been teaching science and writing history for almost five decades. He is a widely published historian of daily life and military topics, and a physics professor with a curiosity concerning the military sciences in which he has a Masters degree (MA War Studies). Dr. Volo was chosen to be a contributor to the 150th anniversary Essential Civil War Curriculum Project (2013). He is the author of several reference works regarding military, social, and cultural history, and has served as an historical consultant for TV and cinema productions including the PBS production Liberty! The American Revolution (1997), the A&E TV miniseries The American Revolution (1994), and the Universal Pictures movie Sweet Liberty (1986). An avid horseman and horse owner, he has appeared in a number of Civil War productions. He was featured in the New York Times (31 March 1991) for his article "Slavery in Connecticut" done under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and he hosted a segment on the C-SPAN TV series Democracy in America, the Alex De Tocqueville Special (1997-1998). Among his four dozen full-length published works and essays are The Boston Tea Party, Foundations of Revolution (2012), Daily Life in Native America (2007), Blue Water Patriots: The American Revolution Afloat (2006), Daily Life in Civil War America (1998, 2010), Family Life in the 19th Century (2007), the Popular Culture of the Antebellum Period (2004), Daily Life During the American Revolution (2003), Daily Life on the Old Colonial Frontier (2002), Daily Life in the Age of Sail (2001), and the Encyclopedia of the Antebellum South (2000). Several of these are co-authored with his wife Dorothy Denneen Volo, PhD. He is recently retired from teaching at Norwalk High School and Sacred Heart University in Connecticut. The Traditional American History Series was begun in 2013. It concerns the history of American liberties and American Exceptionalism. "We can only hope that other historians carry on this kind of valuable research and writing." – The Journal of Southern History. "Impressive scholarship." – Martin Baron, Pulitzer Prize Editor.
Physic Professor (retired); history author