Recent content by Double L Ranch

  1. D

    450yd coyote

    To Incognito, You need to get a job, hobby, or something. You have way too much time on your hands writting dribble with not even making a point. Oh, and I sure would hate to live in your neighborhood for the property values must be low with your monuments. Probably have rusty old cars out...
  2. D

    450yd coyote

    I've been hunting since I was 12 yrs old and am now 55 years old. I have taken deer and elk well over 400+ yards but I only take the shot when I know all the factors are in my favor for a good,clean, well placed shot. Yes, I have passed up shots when the animal is moving or not standing with...
  3. D

    450yd coyote

    "Nice shot?" You have to be kidding me? Great explaination for a new term of "gut shooting" an animal. This is why I do not support this site. Long range shooting should be reserved for metal targets. Many of the people doing this need to gain some hunting ethics.
  4. D

    2010 Oregon Coast Elk~Almost

    Hi Tumbleweed, Sounds like a great hunt, right up to the point where you were actually going to make a concious decision to shoot at over 900 yards. That is just killing, not hunting. Ethics have to play into hunting. If you want to shoot that far, then shoot at metal targets. They don't...