Behyot's latest activity

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    Behyot replied to the thread One piece rests.
    Thanks for bringing this up, I've been curious about it myself. I can see the appeal to using the lead sleds as an easy way to eliminate...
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    Behyot replied to the thread New Guy From Oregon.
    Welcome from Colorado! I definitely relate to being more of a researcher and lurker on here than actually sending much, still a great...
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    Behyot replied to the thread New Member from Texas.
    Welcome! I love Texas and it looks like you get to enjoy some of the best parts of it!
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    Behyot replied to the thread New Member - NW Montana.
    Welcome from Colorado, Montana is one of the few states I'd prefer to live in!
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    Found the forums many times by researching products and coming across reviews or feedback on here. Much more useful than a lot of...
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    Behyot replied to the thread Garmin xero.
    I'm very happy with my Garmin Xero so far, looking forward to getting more use out of it. So quick to set up and easy to carry.
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    Behyot replied to the thread 22 suppressor?.
    If you're just using it for plinking I think most any would work well, I have a Silencerco Sparrow and AAC Element 2 and have been very...
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    Behyot replied to the thread Labaradar.
    Similar to what's already been said, but I had a Labradar for a few years and had no real issues with it. I only used it for probably...
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    Behyot replied to the thread Bore Snake.
    As others have said on here I like using bore snakes as a quick method to clear the barrel in the field, but try to use them sparingly...
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    Behyot replied to the thread New rifle.
    I haven't had experience with full Proof rifles but have 2 with Proof barrels and both shoot factory ammo incredibly well so that's what...