Wyo hunt for daughter and I. Help please.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
Gentlemen, I am looking to take my daughter out to Wyo next year for a goat hunt with her for her senior year before sending her off to college. I have been to Cody area a few times for muleys, but she wants a goat. I truthfully know absolutely nothing about antelope tags. I am hoping to by a buck tag over the counter for the NE part of Wyoming. Could anyone give me some help/information if this is possible and if so how do I proceed? Please only positive comments. I am not looking for a trophy per say, would just like to get her a decent one. Thank you.
Thank you for the link. I should clarify that I'm willing to go to any part of the state. I have just heard that NE is well populated.
The whole state is well populated. Sorry I can't speak to OTC tags or where the hunting is best.
When I lived near Shell, I saw nice speedgoats all over. I think the biggest one was down near Powder River. Good population there, too.
They say there are more antelope than people in Wyoming. I wouldn't doubt it.
Do you have any antelope points?

In the NE corner it is easy to find tags, but can be difficult to find access on public land.
I have also found that once you get past the first day of hunting the antelope quickly learn where the public land ends and the private land (i.e. safety) begins.

I would highly recommend studying the hunt planner linked above.
Buy OnX Maps for your computer and your phone, and study the maps extensively to check out the public/private areas.

This is also an excellent free map:
Near the upper right corner, click on the graphic that looks like 3 discs on top of each other. Click the boxes for BLM ownership data as well as the Antelope hunt areas.

The first draw is due in May; you will want to apply by that time for best odds.
Don't be afraid to try for a doe tag or two for each of you as well.
I should clarify that I am willing to try any part of the state, I have just heard that populations were high in the NE part.
Lived in SW Wyoming for 43 years. I recommend areas, 57,58,59,95,112. Area 59 produces larger bucks with 95 in second place. There are lots of goats and mostly public land in all of these areas, most private property is owned by the UP railroad and they don't enforce no trespassing in many spots.

Here is a picture of my grand daughters first antelope.
Gentlemen, I am looking to take my daughter out to Wyo next year for a goat hunt with her for her senior year before sending her off to college. I have been to Cody area a few times for muleys, but she wants a goat. I truthfully know absolutely nothing about antelope tags. I am hoping to by a buck tag over the counter for the NE part of Wyoming. Could anyone give me some help/information if this is possible and if so how do I proceed? Please only positive comments. I am not looking for a trophy per say, would just like to get her a decent one. Thank you.[/QUOTE

I hunt Goats in Wyoming and have been successful on every trip. Please note; I do not hunt Buck Antelope in Wyoming. I am hunting Doe / fawn on a low price non-resident tag, about $50 per tag. I am only hunting Public accessible land. Walk in access to Private land is generally very good where I hunt. Please be prepared to shoot out to 400 yards. That being said, I am hunting Antelope Area 9 on a type 6 tag, near Lusk Wyoming and you need to make Hotel reservations as early as possible.

If you want to spend the money; I have seen some impressive Bucks over the last few years. Again, please be prepared to shoot out to 400 yards and you will need some sort of Range finder.
Focus on the Gillette area where there are many antelope tags leftover. Need to get landowner access bought. Tags can be purchased over the counter after all the draws.
I learned to refer to them as Antelope when talking to landowners. I just about gave a landowners wife heart failure when she heard me tell her husband that I shot a beautiful goat. She raised some fancy goats and apparently had never heard an antelope referred to as a goat. We all ended up having a good laugh afterwards. Good luck, take your time and have fun. I have taken my son out twice and it has become one of favourite hunts.
So far our winter has been pretty mild, the winter kill should not be that bad this year.
BLM and state areas are abundant here in Wyoming.
I am a resident and can't seem to draw a tag. Lol
Maybe this year :D
Also be sure to look at the Hunter Management Areas. They are essentially like walk-in hunting areas, but you need a permission slip to hunt there. You'll apply for the permission slip in July. Some HMAs have unlimited permission slips, some have a limited number of permission slips and some HMAs have limited slips for the first half of the season and unlimited for the second half. Good luck! We had a blast up there a couple of years ago. I couldn't even get drawn for doe tags last year.
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