why dont my meters read the same


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2007
Dickinson ND
ok guys i have a speedtech skymaster and a kestral 3500. they both are set to 0 ft and they are laying 6 inches from each other.

i have been useing the skymaster for my shooting with a palm that has exbal on it. how do i know which one is showing me the right info... right now they say:

skymaster 30.01inhg , 76.8f, 44.9 rh

kestrel 28.12inhg, 79.1f, 59.5 rh

these numbers arent even close. i am familiar with the skymaster but the kestral was traded to me. i am wondering if there is somthing that i need to calibrate.i didnt get the book with the kestral. i do know that it is supposed to be set for station pressure. dont know how to check that....
7mm thanks for the manual.

I pressed both arrows so i could set it to 0. this should get me my station pressure. this was already seet at 0.after i exit out of there and check my elevation it shows local elevation.

Is this normal that it can be set to 0 but show local elevation? if so this different than the skymaster....

this doesnt make sense to why they dont show anything the same. not even the temp,Relitive humidity,and barametric pressure
The Kestrell has direction on how to set the meter for proper calibration. You must get the acctual station pressure from the internet or local airport and once set properly the Kestrell will give accurate readings. I am not familar with the other weather station that you own.
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