Where to start with antelope?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
Nelson, WI
I would like to start putting in for preference points in a good antelope unit. It doesn't really matter what state, but I was looking on Wyoming's page. I would like to do a diy hunt with a decent amount of public ground. I know nothing about this type of hunt (I've only hunted West-central Wisconsin whitetails), and don't really know where to start. Any information would be great, but I am mainly looking for what states/units I should be putting my points towards. Thanks in advance.
I'm right there with you. I'm looking at doing a group application, but unclear on the types. I'm hoping someone will be along that can clarify the difference between a Non Resident Reduced Price Doe/Fawn Antelope Type 6 and a Type 7. The definition for the two on the WYGF site is: "Type 6 & 7 Doe/Fawn, Cow/Calf elk or Ewe/Lamb Reduced Price Fees." They are defined as the same, but two separate options in the application process. There's so much I don't yet know!

I may have just found the answer through an interactive map: Type 6 is "Doe or fawn," Type 7 is "Doe or fawn valid on or within one (1) mile of irrigated land." Please correct me if I'm wrong!
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A Type 6 license is a reduced price doe/fawn or cow/calf license that is usually valid in the entire hunt area; while a Type 7 is a reduced price doe/fawn or cow/calf license that will have further restriction such as "valid only on private land" or .30US indicates "within one (1) mile of irrigated land", or some other further restriction. If you have the opportunity to look back through past years Wyoming Hunting Regulations you will see how the Type 6 and Type 7 licenses are used.

Yup you guys got it. Type6 usually has no restrictions and type 7 is usually restricted. If you are looking into WY speedgoats you'll have to buy a preference point after the draw. You no longer get a point just for putting in.
Depends on the unit. Units with lot's of public land typically take a point or two for doe tags and several for an any antelope tag. If you are willing to hunt very small pieces of state or BLM then you can get tags pretty easy. Use the the hunt planner on the wgfd website to help you in your planning. Colorado is pain to get a good tag. If you start putting in now you could hunt a doe in a good unit in 3-5 years or a buck in 10+ years. Unless you hire a guide or pay some trespass fees.
Thanks. I'm hoping to hunt Area 32, but haven't figured out a backup Area, yet.
Sorry, but you are getting several incorrect pieces of information from a member. I've hunted out there since the early 90s and haven't missed a season since 1998. Type 6 tags can have restrictions and it can be the dates they are good for or where in a unit just like Type 7 tags. Some are early, then close fro a length of time, and open again. Some are good for certain dates on private land and then other dates for the entire unit, while some are for the entire unit. Type 7 tags can start on a date different than the Type 6 tags, have a smaller area in a unit they are good for, etc. When you buy a Preference Point in Wyoming you don't specify any units. You just keep building one a year until you decide to apply for the draw in a particular year. That is when you have to specify what you are trying to draw and the units vary from not needing any all the way to needing maximum points, which is 12 for this year's draws if you bought one every year since 2006 when the PP system was started, to even have a chance at a tag in the best units for the full priced either sex tags. All reduced price tags for antelope, deer, and elk DO NOT use Preference Points like the full price licenses. Everyone that wants a reduced price tag goes into a random drawing where everyone has an equal chance at drawing those tags. I can probably answer any other questions you guys may have since I pretty well know the state requirements like the back of my hand.
Good info Topgun. I do have another question concerning types. I'm confused on type 2 for antelope. Does the regs have to state a type to license? I see that it calls for a type 1 in the unit I'm applying for, but when I was talking to a landowner in this unit, she told me I would have better luck drawing a license since it was private land. The problem is, I'm not sure I can apply for the type 2 tag? Any info you can send my way I would appreciate it. The unit is 73. thanks.
Good info Topgun. I do have another question concerning types. I'm confused on type 2 for antelope. Does the regs have to state a type to license? I see that it calls for a type 1 in the unit I'm applying for, but when I was talking to a landowner in this unit, she told me I would have better luck drawing a license since it was private land. The problem is, I'm not sure I can apply for the type 2 tag? Any info you can send my way I would appreciate it. The unit is 73. thanks.

Unit 73 will have Type 1 (73-1) either sex tags available for the season that goes from 9/15 to 10/31. It also has Type 6 (73-6) reduced price doe/fawn tags available for those same dates and all tags are for the entire unit. There is no Type 2 tag available in unit 73 and what she meant when she told you that was that it is easier to draw a tag in a unit that has a lot of private land because you have to have permission to hunt, unlike in units that are harder to draw that have a lot of accessible public land. However, unit 73 is one of the better units and based on the 2017 draw your odds are almost impossible to draw a Type 1 and not too bad for a Type 6 tag in unit 73. The 73-1 tag took at least 4 preference points to have a chance at a tag in that draw and that left 543 first choice applicants for the Random Draw you would be in with no PPs and there were only 29 tags available. You would have about a 61.5% chance at drawing a reduced price doe/fawn tag in unit 73 based on last year. You can apply for 2 doe tags on your 73-6 application and you either draw both or neither depending on your luck in the draw. Hope that helps you!
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30-06, good call on the random draw doe tags. Completely forgot that they don't use points.

Question though. I put in for several years without drawing a type 6 tag. The units i put in for had low draw odds, but I didn't accrue any points. I was under the impression that you had to buy a point for $30 later in the summer. If you apply for a type 1 tag and don't draw do you also get a point?
Sorry, but you are getting several incorrect pieces of information from a member. I've hunted out there since the early 90s and haven't missed a season since 1998. Type 6 tags can have restrictions and it can be the dates they are good for or where in a unit just like Type 7 tags. Some are early, then close fro a length of time, and open again. Some are good for certain dates on private land and then other dates for the entire unit, while some are for the entire unit. Type 7 tags can start on a date different than the Type 6 tags, have a smaller area in a unit they are good for, etc. When you buy a Preference Point in Wyoming you don't specify any units. You just keep building one a year until you decide to apply for the draw in a particular year. That is when you have to specify what you are trying to draw and the units vary from not needing any all the way to needing maximum points, which is 12 for this year's draws if you bought one every year since 2006 when the PP system was started, to even have a chance at a tag in the best units for the full priced either sex tags. All reduced price tags for antelope, deer, and elk DO NOT use Preference Points like the full price licenses. Everyone that wants a reduced price tag goes into a random drawing where everyone has an equal chance at drawing those tags. I can probably answer any other questions you guys may have since I pretty well know the state requirements like the back of my hand.
Thank you for the clarification.
30-06, good call on the random draw doe tags. Completely forgot that they don't use points.

Question though. I put in for several years without drawing a type 6 tag. The units i put in for had low draw odds, but I didn't accrue any points. I was under the impression that you had to buy a point for $30 later in the summer. If you apply for a type 1 tag and don't draw do you also get a point?

Preference points are only purchased and used for full price tags, not reduced price tags that are all on a random draw basis. You can buy one preference point for that fee when you apply for a full price tag during the application period that goes from January through the end of May, but that point isn't good until the draw the following year. If you draw your first choice you lose whatever points you have accrued and since you can't buy a point and draw a first choice tag in the same calendar year they refund your credit card for that point money and you start at zero the following year. If you don't draw your first choice tag that point is then put into your account for use the following year in addition to the other points you may have from previous years purchases. If you don't apply for a tag during the application period along with buying your point, you can buy that point during the PP application period only that runs from July through October.
Thanks for the clarity. I live in NW CO so I'm pretty good with CO system but I'm still figuring out WY system. I can hunt plenty in CO except antelope so Wyoming has been of interest lately. I put in for a any antelope tag (with 1 point i bought last year) and 2 doe tags this year. I guess we'll see if I draw.
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