Where can I find a 375 RUM?

Varmint Hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2001
Long Island, New York
I'd like to buy a 375 RUM in left hand. While the 375 H&H is much more popular, I've got a nice 300 RUM and a 338 RUM and would like to stay with the same case.
What I would really like is a Rem 700 LSS (LH) but I don't have high expectations of finding one.
No, I didn't miss it. That's why I pointed out that the Cabela's rifle was RH. .375 RUM's are difficult enough to find, let alone one in LH. If you plan to really hold out for a LH action, you might as well just have a custom built. Otherwise, good luck finding your unicorn!
Hey there fellow south paw, as you can attest the LH side of the game just flat out stinks sometimes :cool:.

I'd honestly say, buy a donor & build one, save the heart ache & frustration.

I was able to find a NIB LH Ruger Alaskan in 375 Ruger. The price was right so I grabbed it. Oddly enough it appears to be a non-cataloged version with a grey laminated stock which looks very similar to my LSS rifles. According to an internet article I located, the grey laminated version was produced in very limited numbers before production was halted.

New brass was much easier to locate than I expected and dies were readily available too.

The 375 Ruger kicks like a mule so maybe the 375 RUM wasn't the best idea to begin with. :D
I happen to have the Ruger in 375... that little feller will punish you in ways only my 458 would understand :cool:

The Ruger is a super reliable rifle that wished it was a Remington. I just can't get passed the whole cast part... colored me biased.

my buddy has a 375 rum and it has to be the most un enjoyable gun I have shot. Got it when he was young and bigger was better
The 700 lh was never chambered in 375 rum other than in their semi-customs so snagging the 375 ruger was probably a good move. You'd be building if you held out for a remmy.
I'm in the mood for a thumper in a lefty bolt myself but for now I'll stay with my lightweight rh 375 and my 405.
You'll like your Ruger, I love mine. Keep your eyes open for a donor action then go with a LH build. I mean, you can't have too many .375's can you? :D

I happen to have the Ruger in 375... that little feller will punish you in ways only my 458 would understand :cool:

I've got one of each, both a 375 ultra in a remmy LSS and a 375 Ruger Alaskan. I handload for both and I'll honestly rather shoot the Ruger than the ultra mag off the bench. Both loads are hot, and they both make little rocks out of big rocks, but that 8.5lb ultra mag is brutal.

I shot the ultra mag 12-14 rounds about a month ago, trying to get a 600 yard drop chart worked up. The day after, I wasn't hitting on all cylinders.

I agree with your 458 comment, as both are stout and I shoot them often. I've unleashed a few rounds from dads 416 Rigby in a #1 Ruger... thats in a different ball field. I actually had to crawl back up to the bags after I touched off each round.
I've had my Remington m700 lss 375 rum for 6-8 months now and have managed to keep myself from braking it due to the simple fact that I hate brakes for hunting. Ya I could always take it off but that's never made much sense to me because then your flinching when it's a living target and not just paper.

It's definitely a punishing rifle to shoot. Way worse then my 375 H&H in ruger no.1 but after a few weeks a month of 3 rounds a night it grows on ya.

I am also a southpaw and I picked up a Boyd's gray laminate left hand thumb hole, right hand action stock for it. Stock feels great until you squeeze the trigger being It only has a little 1/4" hard rubber butt pad.

I am definitely looking forward to seeing how the elk feels after it hits.:D
I've had my Remington m700 lss 375 rum for 6-8 months now and have managed to keep myself from braking it due to the simple fact that I hate brakes for hunting. Ya I could always take it off but that's never made much sense to me because then your flinching when it's a living target and not just paper.

It's definitely a punishing rifle to shoot. Way worse then my 375 H&H in ruger no.1 but after a few weeks a month of 3 rounds a night it grows on ya.

I am also a southpaw and I picked up a Boyd's gray laminate left hand thumb hole, right hand action stock for it. Stock feels great until you squeeze the trigger being It only has a little 1/4" hard rubber butt pad.

I am definitely looking forward to seeing how the elk feels after it hits.:D
put a supercell on the beast... My brother's boyd's stock for his rem 280 took a normal pattern remmy pad... your's should too.
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