WHAT is going on at BOYD'S GUNSTOCKS??


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
Mojave Desert, Nevada
I'm having real problems contacting Boyd's during the day. I leave my name and number. Twice this week they called back VERY early in the morning when my phone was off.

I call back numerous times and get only voicemail, regardless of the extension I press.

Seems Boyd's can't afford a full time receptionist. When you can't even answer your SALES phone something is very wrong.

Eric B.
That happens routinely. It happened the last time I ordered a stock from them. They finally started answering their phone or at least returning messages about two weeks after my calls. Seems it was the same time of year too. I would venture to say Boyd's Stocks has some of the worst customer service in the gun industry. Decent stocks but bad, bad customer service. My guess is the person in charge of Customer Service is somebody they can't fire like the person you go to bed with.
There are a lot of small businesses that shut down completely for a couple of weeks starting just before Christmas. Be patient or just email them every few days until you get a reply.
For me its Funny to read this thread as I was just thinking of buying one of the adjustable gunstocks for my tikka T3 7mm and was searching threads here today. I like the gun the way it is but have never tried one of the adjustable cheek piece stocks.
I'm having real problems contacting Boyd's during the day. I leave my name and number. Twice this week they called back VERY early in the morning when my phone was off.

I call back numerous times and get only voicemail, regardless of the extension I press.

Seems Boyd's can't afford a full time receptionist. When you can't even answer your SALES phone something is very wrong.

Eric B.
Leave your phone on. mtmuley
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